Are you going to put some gas in that?
I want to address something I hear far too often when some people talk about starting an online business.

"I'm not going to invest a dime until I start seeing results".

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It's like saying

* I'm not going to perform any better at work until I get a raise

* I'm not going to put any gas in my car until it starts moving on it's own

That kind of mindset will get you nowhere!

Here is what you need to invest in in order to start a business.

1. You will have to pay to join the program

Typically you do get tools to help you with the business

2. You will need to invest either time or money to run traffic

There are free ways to run/drive traffic out there but it takes time and lots of it

Buying traffic is much faster but requires a monetary investment

3. You must follow up with your leads

This requires a time commitment

4. Training

Some companies offer training videos, weekly webinars and coaches

Additional training can be found on youtube

Other training can be purchased from various sources

All require either a time or money investment or both

NLS provides you with all the tools!

When you join at the Platinum level you get:

* A lead capture system

* An auto responder

* A page builder

* A conference room

* Promotional links

* Training videos and live webinars

* A Facebook group that is extremely helpful and supportive

* NLS support to handle not only your questions but your team's questions

* An on demand workout

* Access to top quality health products

You get ALL this for $50 a month!

That's an amazing deal when you look at everything you get.

Plus you can earn up to 90% commissions.

NLS also has the NLS University for additional training if you choose to invest in your education.

There you have it.

Today is a great day to get started with your online journey!

I'll be here to help you get started.

Gayle Impey

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(U.S) 1-818-433-6470

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