Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Profit From Free Ads?

PFFA is a List Building site that lets you give away Free ads in order to entice people to sign up under you. It is also the premier place on the net to place your own advertising and send solo ads for life to the entire PFFA membership

What Do I Get As A Free Member?

You get 1 text ad and 1 banner ad with 10,000 to 70,000 ad views depending on who you signed up under. When these views expire, You will either need to upgrade at the site or your ads will become inactive.

Can I Use The Mailers as a Free Member?

No Only Upgraded Members Can Use The Mailers.

Can I Give Away Free Ad Packs As a Free Member?

No You must be an Upgraded member to Give away Free Ad Packs. Please choose one of our upgrade Ad Packs. These are one time payments and are well worth the investment

How Many Upgrade Levels Do You Have?

We have 7 Ad Packs available. Each Pack gives you more and more credits that you can give away to build your list and Each Pack Gives you more and more of your own Advertising

Who Can Use The Solo Ad Mailers?

All Upgraded Members can use the solo ad mailers. Depending on the Ad Pack you buy, you can mail every 30 days for Ad Pack 1 up to Ad Pack 7 where you can mail every 2 days. Check the Ad Packs to see how often you can mail with each one.

How Many Mailers are There at PFFA?

Each upgraded member gets access to 2 mailers. You get access to the Solo Ad Mailer plus a Downline Mailer where you can reach your downline at the same frequency as the Solo Ad Mailer. The Higher Your Ad Pack Purchase, the more frequently you can mail on each of the mailers.

Do I Get Banner and Text Ads Credits with My Ad Pack Purchase?

Yes you get lots of credits with each of the packages that you buy. See The Ad Packs offers on the main page to see what you get with each package.

Can I Earn Commissions at PFFA?

Yes you can if you are an upgraded member. All Upgraded members who purchase an ad pack will get and affiliate link in their members area which you can use to build your own list and of course to get paid for anyone who you sponsor that upgrades under you. You can get paid up to 7 levels depending on which ad pack you buy. There is a 4.50 processing fee on all commissions.

How Often Do You Pay Commissions?

We pay commissions monthly. A commission must age for 30 days from purchase and then the commission will get paid at the end of the following month.

How Do You Pay Me?

We pay by Check by Mail or Online Check and by Solid Trust Pay.che There is no charge to get paid by Online Check or Solid Trust Pay. The is a check by mail charge of 2.00 .

Who are the Owners of PFFA?

Phil Basten and Jane Mark are the owners of PFFA. They have been developing list building and advertising tools for online businesses for the past 17 years. You Can Read All about them on the About Us page here:

Do I Get Paid on all 7 Ad Packs?

You get paid up to the Level Of Ad Pack that you have purchased. As an Example. If you have purchased up to Ad Pack 3 and someone upgrades under you. You get paid on ad packs 1,2 3 only. If your downline upgrades to a higher level , you do not receive commissions on those higher levels. Please see How It Works to read all about getting paid.

Do I Have To Earn Mailing Credits In Order To Mail On The Solo Ad Mailer?

The answer is yes and no. For Ad Packs 1 to 6, you will have to earn credits in order to use your mailers. For Ad Pack 7 You do not have to earn ANY credits. Free members cannot use the mailers.

How Many Credits Do I Need To Earn To Use The Mailer.

Level 1 needs to earn 15 credits by reading ads

Level 2 needs to earn 14 credits by reading ads

Level 3 needs to earn 13 credits by reading ads

Level 4 needs to earn 10 credits by reading ads

Level 5 needs to earn 8 credits by reading ads

Level 6 needs to earn 5 credits by reading ads

Level 7 needs no credits to mail

Free members cannot use the Solo Ad Mailers

What are The Advantages of Coming In At Ad Pack Level 7 Tycoon Level

There are many advantages of coming in as a Tycoon member. You get to use both the members and Admin downline mailers every 2 days and you do not have to earn credits to use the mailers.
You start out with 450,000 of your own credits in your account for your text ad and banner ads. Those are the combined credits of all the ad packs under you-ad packs 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 plus you get 100,000 ad credits included in that package. You get those 100,000 credits deposited to your account each month. No other ad pack levels gets this. You get to give away unlimited ad packs with 70,000 credits. That means you have an advantage over all other members since you can offer the highest number of credits and build your list the fastest. You earn the highest level commission 50% and you earn on each level. So no matter what level your downline member signs up at, when they upgrade, you get paid. You cannot miss when you come in at Ad Pack 7. Shoot For the Moon- Become a Tycoon.

How Do GiveAway Ad Packs Work?

All Paid members of PFFA can give away ad credits to the people they sponsor at the site. This is a great way to get people to join your list.

As you upgrade into higher and higher levels, you can give away more and more credits to each of your sign ups.

Example Ad Pack 1 Members of PFFA can give away Unlimited ad credits of 10,000
Ad Pack 5 members can give away Unlimited credits of 50,000. Our highest level,
Ad Pack 7 can give away Unlimited Credits of 70,000.

These credist are automatically put into the account of the perso who
signs up under you.

How Are The GiveAway Credits Allocated?

The credits that you received from your sponsor are allocated half to your text ads and half to your banner ads. So If someone gives you 70,000 ad credits, You will see 35,000 for your text ads and 35,000 for your banner ads.

What Makes GiveAway Credits So Important?

Giving away free advertising helps you build a list fast and easily. People Love Free advertising. It puts a smile on their dial.

How Do I Add My Text Ads?

To Add Your Text Ads, Go to the Red Menu button at the Top Right Hand side in the members Area. The Button says Control Panel. Click On That and You Will see the words Edit Text Ads. That will bring up a Drop Down Menu. Choose one of the slots there and put your ad in
and hit save.

Next Go To The Main Members Area and scroll down to My Text Ads. You will see a plus sign button on the left hand side of your ad. Click on that and assign credits to your ads. That's It. You're Done. Your ad will beging to rotate on the page called Ad Profits.

How Do I Add My Banner Ads?

To Add Your Banner Ads, Go to the Red Menu button at the Top Right Hand side in the members Area. The Button says Control Panel. Click On That and You Will see the words Edit Banner Ads That will bring up a Drop Down Menu. Choose one of the slots there and put your banner ad in.

You can choose to enter either 125 by 125 banners or 460 by 68 banners or a combination of both. Once you enter your banners, You need to assign credits to them.

Go To The Main Members Area and scroll down to My Text Ads. You will see a plus sign button on the left hand side of your ad. Click on that and assign credits to your ads. That's It. You're Done. Your banners will beging to rotate on the page called Ad Profits.

How Do I Use The Solo Ad Mailer?

To Use The Mailers Go to the Red button In the Members area and go to Send Mail. Just Pop your email in and at the bottom be sure to put in an earn credits link. If you leave out the earn credits link your email will not show in the members area.

Once you send your email, it will appear at the top of the Ad Profits Page. You must be an upgraded member of PFFA to Use The Mailers.

How Do I Use The Solo Ad Downline Mailer?

Your downline Mailer reaches your direct sign ups. This is Your list that you are building at PFFA.

To Use The Downline Mailer Go to the Red Control button In the Members area and go to Downline Mailer. This Mailer reaches anyone who directly signed up under you so you probably want to tell the
about PFFA and the benefits of Uprgrading.

Just Pop your email in and hit preview ad and that's it. You're done.
There are no earn credits links in the Downline Mailer and you do not have to earn credits to use the downline mailer.

You can mail to your downline on the same timetable as your Solo Ad Mailer. If you can mail every 30 days, You can mail your downline every 30 days.

You do not have to mail on the same day as your solo ad mailer.

How Do I Give Away Credits To My Downline?

Credits are given away automatically by the script when someone
signs up under you. You do not have to do anything to give them away.

Example if you are a Tycoon member of the site, you can give away 70,000 ad credits to anyone who sign ups under.

When they log in they will find

35,000 credits in their text ad account
35,000 credits in their banner ad account

You can just mention in your promotions that you are giving them 70K ad credits. We take it from there.

How do I upload a Banner?

This is point and click easy. You select a banner from the drop down menu that you wish to edit. You select when you want to upload a banner from your PC or enter a link to the banner. You select the banner size, either 125x125 or 468x60. You enter a name for the banner (one that you can remember). In the banner heading area you enter a short message for your banner (this is for the search engines). You enter the website link where you want people to go after they click the banner. Then click - Save Ad. That's it, you're done!

How Do I Collect My Free Ad Credits?

You can join the site free at the red button at the top of the sales page or at the blue button all the way at the bottom of the sales page. Once you join and validate your email address, your free credits will automatically appear in your members area.

Where Do I Join Free?

You can join the site free at the top red button that says join or all the way at the bottom of the page at the blue button that says Collect Your free ad credits here.

Where Do I Go To Earn Credits?

Go to the Ad Profits Page in the members area at the top menu Red Button. You can also earn credits when you add your own ads on the text and banner edit pages.

Where Do I Go To Enter My Text Ads?

Log into your members area and to the Top Red Button at the Right Hand side that says " Control Panel" You will see Edit Text Ads. Click on that and that will take you to the spot where you enter your test ads.

Where Do I Go To Enter My Banner Ads

Log into your members area. Go to the Top Red button at the right hand side that says Control. Then click on edit banners and pop your banners in there.

Where Do I Go To Send Emails

Log into your members area and go to the Red Menu button at the top of your members area where it says Control. Then Go to Send Mail and you can send to the entire database of PFFA. You have a second mailer that says Downline Mailer. You can mail to your Downline right there.

If There Any Charge If I Get Paid by Check?

Yes. If you choose to get paid by check, there is a 2.50 check charge that will be deducted from
any commission you are due and there is a 25.00 minimum to be paid by check. To be paid by Paypal or Solid Trust Pay there are no fees and no minimums.

Do You Promote For Members?

We promote for all Level 7 members for life. We put their PFFA affiliate link into our popular Traffic Site called Never Ending Traffic 4U. This sends Traffic to your PFFA affiliate link for life and we set it all up for you. The traffic site looks like this:
The Value of this bonus is $180.00

Can Free Members Promote The Site?

No only paid members can promote the site and give away free advertising credits, use the mailers and earn commissions. Paid members will find their affiliate link in the members area right when they log in. If you want to promote the site, you will need to upgrade to one of the Ad Pack Packages.

Do You Offer a Blog at PFFA?

Yes. All Paid member of PFFA get to set up their own blog in the members area of the site and you get a blog url that you can promote anywhere on the net

Where Do I Go To Get My Blog Set Up

To set up your blog start at Edit Profile on the Home Page

How Do I Assign Credits To My Text And Banner Ads

To assign credits you go back to the main members area to where your stats show next to the text ads and the banner ads that you have entered

To all the way over to the right hand side of the ad. There is a buttom with a plus sign on it.

Click on that. A box will open showing you the number of credits you have left. Choose the number that you want to assign. We suggest a minimum of 5000 for each ad.

Once you put the number in hit save and you will see that you the credits have been saved next to the ad you enterered.

You will have to check often to see how many credits have been used
and add more when they run out so start with a large number if you have them in your account to assign.

What do I do when My Credits Run Out?

When your credits run out you will want to upgrade to the next level where more credits will go into your account. When you get to the level 7 upgrade, you get 100,000 monthly credits so your credits will never run out . Go as high as you can in the ad pack level and save up to get to level 7 when you can.

Does Any Level Get Monthly Credits Added to their account?

Yes. Ad Pack level 7 gets monthly credits added to their account. You should plan to upgrade through to the PFFA levels in order to get more credits and to mail more often.

I Want to Use the Mailer More Often-What Do I Do?

Each ad pack level comes with more frequent mailings. Choose the highest level you can and then plan to upgrade to the highest level ad pack 7 over time.

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