Maryannes Newest Creation - Growing Spooky Fast
New Site from Maryanne Myers! is taking off like CRAZY

The advertising site, Octo Opp is GREAT for getting signups.
(Octo is short for "Octopus" and Opp is short for "Opportunity")

It autosends your advertising FOR YOU (so it saves you time)
AND... it is a GREAT opportunity to make cash.

- Octo Opp is a new product from Maryanne.
Come on... you KNOW the great traffic sites she has created!

Octo Opp Features

- Autosend advertising - it is TRULY Hands Free
- Earn Commissions 8 tiers down.
- Lots of little fun things inside the site to find (easy to find).
- Your Choice - Receive ads - or not.
- Easy contest happening RIGHT NOW - $500 total in cash for random winners.

The Upgrades are FANTASTIC

- Small Octopus - receive 2500 credits per day, earn on 2 levels, email twice weekly - one time $77

- Big Octopus - receive 5000 credits per day, earn on 8 levels, email every day - one time $97

What is really cool is that you can convert your UNUSED Octo Opp credits into HITS on TopDogs Rotator.
I view this as a great TWO-FER. With the Big Octopus upgrade, I will have TONS of credits I will be converting,
So I plan to load up my TopDogs Rotator to take advantage of the fantastic TopDogs traffic!!!


People are signing up fast, so start advertising to them right now

I hear this all the time... "There are only a few members so far..."
Well, the first thing that comes to mind is OPPORTUNITY to build YOUR DOWNLINE and EARN COMMISSIONS...


Your ads can be viewed from the onsite inbox, so they could be viewed by people who are NOT EVEN MEMBERS YET!

I make the MOST REFERRALS and earn the MOST COMMISSIONS promoting LAUNCHES.
>>>>> Click the Credit Link

Rich MoyerM<
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