Hello ,

Our TEAM PHOENIX is all about helping others achieve financial freedom by giving away 100% FREE upgraded memberships at Tron Multiply. The reason why we can do this is because it only costs 40trx to get started, which is about $1.20usd plus a 10trx kickback commissions for direct referrals so the total cost is 30trx (about $0.90cents usd) less than $1.

I would like to extend this opportunity to you, to get a completely free membership on me! That's right, all you have to do to claim is register by using the link below. Once you have finished registering, email me with your name, username, and let me know if you plan to participate in our campaign to help others by getting them started just like you are now. This is not mandatory, but if you do we will put you on our campaign rotor to help you to get referrals to PIF & you will get your own team page to advertise. The upgrade is yours to keep regardless!


Look below and see how doing this will push you faster up the commission ladder versus the normal advertising channels.

If you gave away only 5 paid memberships = 5
Then those 5 gave to 5 people each = 25
Then those 25 gave to 5 each = 125
Then those 125 gave to 5 each = 625
Then those 625 gave to 5 each = 3125 > grand total = 3905
What if everyone did 10 or more?

There is no limit to how many across or how deep your downlines can grow. But this simple Give to others strategy is paying off big time. And that just makes sense to be a part of. You will literally increase your downlines faster than you have ever before.

Must have a Tron Wallet to register at Tron Multiply!

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me, Depending on what part of the world you live & the time zone differences, there might be a delay in my reply but I will get back to you.


Allan McNichol
Copyright 2024 - JAM Marketing Inc - All rights reserved