How I Turn 2 Cents Into $10 Over And Over Again... At Will... And How YOU Can Too?
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For the longest time, I ignored one of the busiest sites on the
internet where people go looking for things to buy.

They go there looking for bargains, but they definitely go with
their credit cards in hand.

That place is eBay, and if you haven't looked at it recently, you
may be surprised.

Not only can you sell all types of physical products there, you
can even sell DIGITAL products.

That opens up a whole new marketplace for some of us

There is also a newsletter capability, which lets you email all
of your customers.

This is a super-easy way to turn one-time customers into repeat
customers, and using a system with near 100% deliverability!

Email from eBay gets delivered, AND it gets OPENED :-)

I'll be sharing all of that with you in follow-up articles and
videos that I'll post to YouTube.

I'll teach you all about this fairly easy potential six-figure
income source that you've probably overlooked.

In fact, several of my mentors earn seven-figures per year on

However, for now, let's just look at how I turn two cents into
ten dollars... over and over... at will.

Those of you who have followed me for a while probably know that
"I have a green thumb."

My wife and I grow many of the fruits and vegetables that we eat.

We do that because it's relaxing, and since we don't use ANY
harmful herbicides or pesticides, it allows us to know that our
veggies are relatively safe.

One of the more exotic plants that we grow is called "Moringa."

Moringa oleifera is also is called the drumstick tree, the
miracle tree, the ben oil tree, or the horseradish tree.

My wife, who is originally from the Philippines has cooked soups,
stews and stir-frys with the leaves of this plant for all of the
nearly 40 years that I've know her.

The plant is packed with an amazing number of nutrients, and is
revered by many doctors and nutritionists.

Many herbalist also use it in treating a variety of ailments.

Anyway, I took an interest in eBay in early-January 2022.

As I looked around and studied what others were selling, I
stumbled across the fact that people were already selling several
of the plants that I grew including moringa!

So I decided to do the same. Moringa is incredibly easy to grow
from cuttings.

You can take practically any branch of a moringa plant, cut it
into sections, and stick them into some potting soil, with or
without a rooting hormone, and that cutting grows roots and grows
like crazy... a very high percentage of the time.

I started 40 or so plants from cuttings but as I studied
propagation of the plant, I also discovered that you can easily
grow them from seeds.

NOTE: Many people selling moringa on eBay do sell just the
cuttings. They offer “X” number of cuttings for whatever
price. I prefer selling live, whole, rooted plants. That way I
know that my customer has the best chance of
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