Not a member of We Share Abundance then register for FREE to take advantage of our 7-7-7 plan now...
As a member of We Share Abundance there are many additional benefits, including our members' only weekly raffle
with a 1 in 3 chance of winning and at least doubling your money.
Make sure you see Aljomc54 as your sponsor when you register for FREE,
if not then follow instructions on the site to change it. Use coupon code 52EB52E
7 Reasons to join our 7-7-7 plan now...
1. Impossible to fail - EVERYONE WILL MAKE A PROFIT!
2. People that join in pre-launch make the most money the fastest
3. Upgrades during pre-launch count for free entry allocation
4. Join in pre-launch and pre-build your team for a big pay day on launch
5. Join in pre-launch and qualify for bonus items
6. All pre-launch members will receive an instant free entry on launch
7. 7 phases with 7 referrals leads to a 7 figure income
The first pre-launch BONUS we are adding is a FREE issue of WISH Tokens - these are not even available to buy yet, but when available will have an anticipated value of around $2 each.
Your FREE issue will be based on Phases (P) joined in pre-launch as follows...
P1 50, P2 100, P3 200, P4 500, P5 1,000, P6 3,000 and P7 10,000.
As the 7-7-7 plan system kicks in (after about 45 days) you will probably be receiving at least 1 new member in your payline every 7 days; that's POWERFUL!
This can't be guaranteed, but it's highly probable that even those who are 100% passive can, in time, be making thousands of dollars.
Make the decision to take this plan seriously and refer just 2 people to quickly see the leverage working for you, helped by the free entries you receive, turning those 2 personal referrals into thousands of personal referrals, all earning you income in all 7 phases.
Refer 4 and see everything happen more than twice as fast; but why stop there, when every personal referral is worth thousands of dollars in commissions.
Position yourself for a massive pay day when we hit the launch button in the near future...
Thanks and I hope to see you on the other side!
Allan McNichol
p.s. "We will fail when we fail to try." ~ Rosa Parks - 1913-2005