- Great List and Team Builder - I am going to PIF you just for checking it out.
Real quick! This is growing real fast!
I just wanted to invite you to this very inexpensive team build we have going on.
In fact, it's so cheap to get started because it's FREE for you.
That's right!
I am going to pay for your first tier upgrade to get you in the door and check things out.
This site has already increased my downline network to more people than I usually know.
We are all working as a team and I would love for you to be a part of it.
Below are a couple links to tell you about the program.
PDF of how the site works
Detailed look at the compensation plan -
The last one is my link so you can register:
I am really loving the way this is shaping up.
I know you will too, which is why I wanted to make sure you see how this could be useful for your business.
If you have any questions, just reach out to me.
To your success!
James Cruz