11 Conversions in 35 mins - AAAMAZING
In just 35 short minutes
I set a new personal record for
the most sales in the shortest
amount of time in a DOZEN (yes 12)
years of working online.

I converted 11 of my BMOB leads
into paying members in just
over a 1/2 hour!

Curious how? Be a copy cat :)

1. Join Boost My Online Biz

==> https://www.boostmyonlinebiz.com/?rid=jpauley

2. Email me and I'll personally write a killer
ad specifically for your offer that will
convert these leads like crazy the VERY
FIRST time you send it to them.

(The gentlemen I did this for yesterday got 3
sales using the ad I gave him before noon)

3. Send the proven swipe I give you to your leads
using the built in mailer (one click)

4. Hold on tight.

I promise you that if you trust me
on this recommendation, you will get
MORE signups FASTER than you EVER
have before. I'll hold your hand.

And give you my word. (which is taken
VERY seriously)

Contact me here after you join BMOB and
I'll get working on the ad copy for you
to use on your BMOB leads. I guarantee you
it will pull sales like you've never seen :)


I have yet to fail helping someone using
this method :)

Jenna Pauley
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