The Secret Of The Squirrels
Published 03-08-2023

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant Date Created: 29-Mar-06
Today's Business Article!

I live on the side of a large park, home to dozens
of squirrels who have learned the secret of
comfortable co-existence with humans. These squirrels
are also experts in marketing and getting what they want. If you learn their secret, YOU will be an expert in marketing, too.

If you go into the park empty handed, no squirrel
will look at you, much less give you the time of
day. The more you have in your hand, the most tempting
it looks, the more squirrels you attract and the
faster you attract them.

The same is true in marketing.

Did you fail to make money online in the last day?
The last week? The last month? Your failure is certain
every day you don't make offers.

You see, if you want to succeed online you must
make every single one of your prospects an offer
that motivates them to stop in their tracks, take
notice and -- buy.

You cannot simply post information about your products
and services. Mere information alone will never
motivate sales, much less the really big money.

Instead you need to give your prospects a reason for
paying attention to what you've got and dropping
everything else to BUY it.

Only timed, limited availability offers can do that.

You need to say "take action and get"

* two for the price of one -- if you act today;
* something of value free with your purchase -- if
you buy within 12 hours;
* more of what you're buying if you buy right now, etc.

In short, buy this when I say, get THIS, too!

You see, the Offer -- in conjunction with the benefits
delivered by your product/service-- is what makes the
sale. If don't make an offer, you have essentially
said "It doesn't matter to me if you buy today or
not. I'm not going to motivate you to take action
now." Given these circumstances, it's hardly any
wonder your prospect doesn't ACT and doesn't BUY now.

Offers Move People Who Tell You They Aren't Going
To Move

How many times has a prospect told you that she cannot
purchase today -- and you've simply said, "OK"? If this
keeps happening to you, you don't know the magic power of offers and your profits are suffering accordingly.

Offers Turn Non-buyers Into Certain Buyers In A Matter
Of Moments.

If you think someone isn't going to buy, your job is NOT
to accept this situation. No way! Your job is to fashion
an offer that will get them to change their mind. When
someone says "no way", your job is to get them to say
instead "TODAY!" Only a limited-time, motivating offer
can do this magic.

See for yourself. Go into a park and try to motivate a
squirrel with nothing in your hand. You'll get nowhere.
Then try a fistful of goodies and want watch yourself
get real popular real fast. Those goodies in your
outstretched hand are the offer.

What Happens If The Offer Doesn't Work?

Every person who got rich in business, every successful
marketer has made offers that don't work. The difference
between them and people who are not getting rich in
business and marketing is simple: the successful people
immediately enhance a failed offer to see whether that
motivates the fastest purchase, whereas the unsuccessful
folks take no for an answer, slink off and curse their
"bad luck."

If you expect to make money online, you

1) must make limited time motivating offers to EVERY
single prospect you want to sell, and

2) improve, enhance, and re-do any offer that doesn't
work to turn it into an offer that does.

Marketing is simple. Offers make you money. Failing
to make them doesn't.

So, who's nuts anyway? The squirrel who has figured
out how to benefit from offers, or the human who expects
to make money without them? Gray or brown, the squirrels
have my vote!

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Arnljot Blindheim

I've been marketing both offline & online for many years now and tried different programs and I love it. As I have gained some experience over the years Tried The Good - Bad - and the Ugly. The internet can be and is a harsh enviroment if you dont know what you're doing. MCEC Arnljot Blindheim
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