How to Earn Online Income

Introducing Myself
Published 05-06-2017

Just so you get to know me a little I’d like to introduce myself. Maybe we can be of some help to each other in the future. My name is Steve Terpstra. Officially it’s “Siebe” but no-one uses that anymore. It is Dutch. In 1951, when I was 2, my family migrated to Australia. My Dutch name proved almost unpronounceable to the English speaking tongue so over time it naturally became Steve. The Siebe only appears on official documents, and now my Facebook and other Social Media pages. I am retired and live with Erika, my wife, near Perth in Western Australia. We live in a granny flat in the rear yard of one of our children’s properties. Their kids, our grandchildren, are our daily visitors. During my working life I was first a schoolteacher, and later a business entrepreneur. The business we started together with our sons is now owned and managed by them. My wife and I married young, in 1968. Our marriage was richly blessed with children. All are now married and have children of their own. Some of our grandchildren too are married and have children as well. Today we have 46 grandchildren (+ 3 who married into the family), and 3 great-grandchildren. You’ll see us with our first great grandson in the pictures on my Facebook page. All live within a 30 minute drive from us. When we’re all together it is a large and happy throng. We are very thankful. We are active Christians. The focus in our life has been the Church, our family, and our work. Our desire is to serve. I have always been much involved with education, first as a teacher of young children in Primary School, and later of older youth in Secondary School. The last 15 years I have been allowed to serve as chairman of the School Association which operates the schools where I was once a teacher. It has been a richly rewarding life long experience. A few years ago my wife was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, and last year I was found to have diabetes. While this has added challenges to our lives, we are thankful to be able to manage them together. A few months ago I was also found to have cancer of the oesophagus. Thankfully the doctors found it to be in a very early stage, and suggested I have an Oesophagectomy. That was done just over 2 months ago. It was a major operation which for a time left me quite fragile and feeling vulnerable. Thankfully that seems to be mainly over now as I am getting my strength back. A few weeks ago the doctors could tell us that the operation was a success in that the cancer was completely removed. You will understand that has given us new perspective. We are very thankful for God's mercy and His grace. It is in this context that I need to develop a business which will give us some income to help fund our retirement as well as keeping us mentally and intellectually involved and challenged. I chose Internet Marketing as it is something I can do from home, which is important to me seeing the state of Erika and my health. Also I find it immensely rewarding when I have some success. To date these are mostly quite small, but they are a beginning, and I am filled with hope and trust that over time we will be blessed with greater success. I am relatively new to Blogging and haven’t mastered all its intricacies yet. Maybe you can help me by giving me feedback. May God bless you in your personal life and in all your endeavours?

I am retired and live in Perth in W.A with my wife. All our children are now married and have children of their own. All live within 30 minutes distance. A few years ago my wife was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and a few weeks ago I had major surgery to remove cancer from my Oesophagus. To our joy it was successful. We are thankful for the support from our family and the Church to which we belong. I hope to build an online business to fund our retirement. We pray for God's blessing.
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