What Your Local School Is NOT Teaching Your Children That You Must To Ensure Their Lifetime Success!
Published 05-03-2017

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Have you considered lately just what your local school is -- or more importantly -- is not teaching your children? Probably not. Like most parents, you take the matter on faith; hoping they're teaching what your children most need to get ahead. Unfortunately, in at least 4 key areas, your children are learning little or nothing of what they absolutely must know to get ahead and lead profitable, productive lives.

#1 Local schools don't teach necessary interview and job skills, leaving your children vulnerable particularly in tight job markets. Here are just some of the items on which the school is letting you down: * how to write a resume and cover letter * how to look for and find available jobs * how to follow up with prospective employers * how to dress for the interview * how to handle themselves during interviews. Obviously obtaining employment is crucial. Sadly, your school is letting you down.

#2 Your school is not delivering detailed information on financial affairs. Mastery of basic information about money, debt, investments, etc is crucial. However, here's what your school isn't teaching: * how to open a bank account * how to use checks, including how to balance a check book * what a home mortgage is and how to get and keep one * how to do a home budget * understanding and benefiting from pensions * understanding mutual funds and other financial investments * how to complete a tax form.

We live in a "capitalist" culture, but the overwhelming majority of our citizens are clueless about how to benefit from it, because our schools teach nothing about it.

#3 How to be a good citizen. Your school isn't telling, leaving this to "catch as catch can" with disastrous results. Election after election takes place with 40%, or more, of citizens failing to vote. No wonder. Here's just some of what our schools don't teach: * what is a citizen? What are his/her rights and responsibilities * what is the Constitution? What is the Bill of Rights? * how to register to vote * how to read a ballot * how to understand referenda and other citizen initiatives * how to vote. We decry low voter turn-out and participation yet fail to teach what is necessary for a healthy democracy.

#4 Basic human relations skills Have you looked at your children lately? Have you actually listened to them? EVERY civilization prior to ours was painstaking in teaching young people successfully how to interact with other people. They realized that such skills were absolutely crucial for a successful marriage and life generally. Instead of this sensible system, we let matters take their course with predictable results. Here's just some of what our schools don't teach: * how to greet strangers and make them feel comfortable * how to look people in the eyes * how to handle a basic conversation * the meaning of courtesy and how to deliver it * how to express appreciation * how to reciprocate. Get the picture? Without your school's interest or support, your children are left at sea with no assistance or insight whatsoever about necessary questions of human relations. Boorish and self-defeating behaviors are therefore inevitable.

Since The Schools Are Unable or Unwilling To Assist, These Things Are YOUR Responsibility It is clear that leaving matters to your school is a bad mistake. Public educators are unable or unwilling to teach these matters. Thus, if you want the best for your children YOU must become their recognized, organized "life skills" teacher. Don't treat this matter casually or lightly. It is far too important for that. * Think what your children must know but are not getting in school. * Schedule regular meeting with your children. * Be clear on what you want them to know. * Encourage active participation and discussion. * Invite their friends to participate. It is not the fault of the children that they are being short- changed in schools. Don't compound the problem by short-changing them at home. Start today. You'll be glad you did, and your children will reward you by maturing into better people, with suitable appreciation for all you did!

P.S. If your school district teaches at least some of these things, be glad.... then ask them to implement the rest!

Republished with author's permission by Arnljot Blindheim MCEC


I've been marketing both offline & online for many years now and tried different programs and I love it. As I have gained some experience over the years Tried The Good - Bad - and the Ugly. The internet can be and is a harsh enviroment if you dont know what you're doing. MCEC Arnljot Blindheim
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