Work From Home Profits Blog With Wolf Z

Pessimism Is Easy
Published 05-24-2017

We are always looking for an easier way of doing things. Aren't you?  I know I am.  In marketing a business automation is key.  So is duplication.  You have to ask yourself though, "If it is so easy, why isn't everyone doing it?"  There are a lot of beginners, but there are only a few finishers.  It's the 80/20 rule.  You know the 20% rise to the top while the 80% remain mediocre at best.  I'm sure they didn't intend to fail, at least at the beginning.

Here's the reason why, in my opinion.  It's because most of the 80% are pessimistic.  It's the easiest way to be.  It requires no effort on our part.  After all we are bombarded with bad news every day.  It's easy to let bad news into our lives.  It doesn't have to be that way.  When you are pessimistic you don't have to take responsibility for anything.  It's always someone else.  "I got sold a bill of goods.  This program may work for you but it doesn't work for me, etc."

I love golf.  One of the reasons I love the sport is because it is brutally honest.  Not that I wish to be brutally hammered, but I get satisfaction from making improvements.  Everything about a golf course is static, well almost.  The course doesn't move and the ball goes where you put it.  I can blame the wind or too much sun or bumpy greens, but in the end I can only blame or congratulate myself, and sometimes I get lucky!  I try to play golf with people who are better than me, and I never play golf with people a second time if their attitudes are extremely negative.  So I get to choose.  I guess that's the point...I get to choose, and I refuse to take the easy way by being pessimistic, because I don't need that character flaw in my life.

It takes work to remove reading good books, hanging with positive people (they don't have to be perfect) and just taking stock of yourself every day.  Back to golf.  I was putting the ball just terrible, never so bad and over a period of months.  I even started to tell myself that I was a terrible putter.  There was nothing wrong with the equipment, but my technique with that putter was wrong and I didn't recognize it.  I could change the equipment or the technique.  I opted to use a different putter and keep the technique.  Now, overnight I may be the best putter I have ever been.  Funny how making adjustments makes a big difference.  If I just took the easy way and stayed pessimistic I would be miserable in my own induced failure.

Whatever it takes...choose optimism over pessimism.  Once you make that choice don't slip back into the easy way.  Rather do the work and make the adjustments to make your goals a reality.  It takes some effort and will put a smile on your face for life.



My name is Wolf Zappe. I have been in sales and marketing all my life. I love the freedom that working for myself offers. I also love to help others make money from their own homes like I do. The internet is changing, and that provides opportunity for those who see the trends. Currently smartphones outsell PC's and Laptops by 12:1. The era of Web 3.0 is now moving to a "technology exponential phase." My main marketing is focusing on those trends.
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