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Heart & Body Naturals - Slimmer 3 Keys To Success
Published 07-22-2017


The 3 Keys To Success

For Your Maximum Weight Loss, Please Do the Following:

1: Slimmer

Start with one serving of SLIMMER in the morning for the first three days. 

This gives your body time to get used to the product, balance your blood sugar, and decrease your sugar cravings.

If you have a substantial amount of weight to lose, it might be beneficial to drink SLIMMER at breakfast and again at lunch.

The key to success with

SLIMMER is consistency and  persistency.

 2: Water

One of the simplest and most dramatic ways you can increase your weight loss is to drink more water.

Drinking, or rather sipping, more water is not necessarily about preventing dehydration as much as it is about replenishing and replacing the fluid in our body, keeping our cells hydrated, and keeping our blood alkaline.

“Water before a meal is nectar. It replenishes fluids and encourages juicy digestive organs. Small sips during a meal is honey. It helps turn the food into a sauce. Water after a meal is poison because it dilutes stomach acids.”                                   

                           ~ Dr. Vasant Lad

3:12-Hour Fast

The body sends the signal to go into deep detox mode approximately eight hours after your last meal. Then the body needs another four hours to do a deep clean. The 12 hour fast is your new normal. This is how you will eat every day so that your body will have time to divert energy to functions other than digestion.

Example: You eat dinner at 8pm. You would not eat again until 8am.

FREE FOODS (eat all you want)

  • Artichoke Lemon juice
  • Artichoke hearts Mixed vegetables
  • Asparagus (without corn, peas or
  • Baby corn pasta)
  • Bamboo shoots Mushrooms (fresh)
  • Bean sprouts Mustard
  • Beans (green, wax, Okra 
  • • Onions
  • Beets Pea pods
  • Broccoli Pickles
  • Broth or bouillon Radishes
  • Brussels sprouts Rutabaga
  • Carrots Salad greens (lettuce,
  • Cauliflower romaine, chicory,
    • Celery endive, escarole,
    • Cucumber arugula, radicchio,
    • Eggplant watercress)
    • Flavored sugar-free Sauerkraut gelatin  • Spices
    • Garlic Spinach
    • Green onions or Squash (summer, scallions     crookneck, zucchini)
    • Greens (collard, kale, Sugar snap peas mustard, turnip) • Swiss chard
    • Hearts of palm Tomato (fresh or
    • Herbs (fresh or dried) canned)
    • Horseradish Turnips
    • Hot pepper sauce Vinegar
    • Jicama Water chestnuts
    • Kohlrabi Worcestershire sauce
    • Leeks


    Corn, fruit juice concentrates, gluten, packaged cakes & cookies, peas, refined sugar, regular pasta, soda, sweeteners, trans-fats, vegetable seed oils, and white rice

    Are you ready to order and drink yourself slimmer?
    Learn more about Slimmer at Heart & Body Naturals. Sign up as a customer (Join) for free and get great support as you get healthier and slimmer :)

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