Inflammation Alarm Bells - Heart & Body Naturals
Published 06-14-2018
We all have an unseen, unknown health crisis happening in our bodies, every day, at every moment. Its name is chronic inflammation. Inflammation is the behind-the-curtain factor in obesity and so many diseases. By the time most people are 25 they have chronic inflammation brewing in one or more places of their body.
- Arthritis is inflammation of the joints
- Heart disease is inflammation of the arteries
- Brain disorders are being connected to inflammation
- Obesity and inflammation are a vicious never ending cycle associated with type 2 diabetes
"Inflammation is a hot topic in medicine. It appears connected to almost every known chronic disease. Cooling the fires of hidden inflammation may be the most important thing you can do for your long-term health and well-being." ~ Dr. Mark Hyman, editor in chief of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine
There is probably no other single action you can take that will result in such a dramatic impact on your health than reducing chronic inflammation.
Sounding The Inflammation Alarm
We all have an unseen, unknown health crisis happening in our bodies, every day, at every moment. Its name is chronic inflammation. Inflammation is the behind-the-curtain factor in obesity and so many diseases. By the time most people are 25 they have chronic inflammation brewing in one or more places of their body.
- Arthritis is inflammation of the joints
- Heart disease is inflammation of the arteries
- Brain disorders are being connected to inflammation
- Obesity and inflammation are a vicious never ending cycle associated with type 2 diabetes
"Inflammation is a hot topic in medicine. It appears connected to almost every known chronic disease. Cooling the fires of hidden inflammation may be the most important thing you can do for your long-term health and well-being." ~ Dr. Mark Hyman, editor in chief of Alternative Therapies in Health and MedicineThere is probably no other single action you can take that will result in such a dramatic impact on your health than reducing chronic inflammation.
You Are NOT Overweight. You Have Chronic Inflammation.Obesity and its constant companion, type 2 diabetes, are at epidemic proportions. One thing that connects them is inflammation. Obesity "tilts" the inflammation process because fat cells produce inflammatory cytokines. Fat cells on the hips, butt, thighs, and stomach do more than just look unsightly and annoy us. They're actually little inflammation factories, constantly pumping out inflammatory chemicals.
More fat cells equals more inflammation.

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