Technology Around the World

Obesity, Diabetes and Hypertension Are Leading Causes of Deaths
Published 10-19-2017
Joel Therian is an millionaire Internet marketer and entrepreneur 
who has done extensive research on Obesity, Diabetes and Hypertension.
He is the owner of GVO, NOW LifeStyle, Pure Leverage, and many other 
Internet companies.
The following information is from his studies and information provide 
from his Facebook Timeline and NOW LifeStyle.
The Obesity rate is ahead of all others at 41%. From 2011-2014 middle age
40-59 had the highest obesity rate at 41%.  Then come ages 60 plus 
at 38.5%.  Young adults 20-39 is 34.3%.
Diabetes rate in Mississippi is 14.7%.  Ten of twelve states with 
Type-2 Diabetes in the South.  The CDS  predicts that by 2050 one in three adults 
will have Diabetes.
Hypertension is high in ten Southern states with W. Virginia the 
highest at 41%.
Social Economy and Obesity - It seems that the lower your income and/or 
education the more likely one is to be obese.  Adults who earn less 
than $15,000 per year are 33% more likely to be obese.  Compare that 
to 24.6% for those earning at least $50,000 per year. 
I just created an account with NOW LifeStyle not too long ago. 
Log into the members area and watch the Education area and the 
information on 7-minute exercise 3 days per week.

For those of you who are interested review the videos on Fiber, 

Protein, and Exercise.

So the choice is yours. The link to NOW LifeStyle is below.  Sign Up, take time to 
review the videos and material on these vital and death derivative
diseases.  To SignUp is FR EE.  It's your move.
Willard Brown

Been doing online marketing since 2005. For the most part my experience has been good.
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