Rich Moyer Marketing

Instant Cash Promo Codes and ORU Marketplace Explained
Published 02-20-2019
Too Much Info?
Instant Cash Promo Codes and ORU Marketplace Explained.
You have been seeing a flood of ads about Instant Cash Promo Codes.  There is a lot of information, and most people don't get past the first couple lines of the promotion ad copy before their head explodes.  I'm going to break this down into a manageable task list that ANYONE CAN FOLLOW.
Why Do You Need Instant Cash Promo Codes?
If you are doing affiliate marketing of any kind, you need PLACES to promote so you can BUILD YOUR LIST so you can SELL YOUR STUFF by promoting TO YOUR LIST.  Yes, I’m saying DO NOT SELL on SAFELISTS.  ICPC and the associated sites will give you ACCESS to a pool of 300,000 Active Members, and give you a MASS of ads on each site.
ICPC also gives you the opportunity to invite others to join ORU Marketplace.  ORU is how you receive funds for ICPC Gold upgrade sales.  You receive $10 for each member who joins ORU, and $20 for each ICPC Gold Upgrade.  ORU also rewards you with Incentive payments for being  active in ORU Marketplace.
What is Instant Cash Promo Codes (ICPC)?
A massive downline builder consisting of 80+ sites.  Gold members receive exclusive promo codes for each site in the downline builder that gives them 400 Solos, Banners, Buttons, and Text Links OVER AND ABOVE the ad packs they receive for joining these sites.
See my blog post for these other topics:
- Can you join ICPC and stay a free member?
- How to Get Started
   - Join ICPC
   - Upgrade to Gold and signing up for ORU Marketplace
- For existing ORU members
- Complete Your ICPC Profile
- Downline Builder
- Promoting ICPC
- Promoting Other Affiliate Programs
Rich Moyer

Retired (for the 3rd time). I just blog, write tutorials, network marketing. Major Projects: WorldProfit Team Elite Home Businesses The SuperNet Business Hub TheDownliner and TDL Machine Gorilla Marketing Pro EasyCash4Ads Your Viral List , Your Viral Mailer, Your Viral Traffic, 10XMailer Clickbank Passive Income Task Force Echo Team Payspree Sniper GrabThoseLeads
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