collin henry blog

how to become money conscious
Published 04-06-2017

THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND consists of a field of consciousness, in which every, impulse of thought that reaches the objective mind                                         

through any of the five senses, is classified and recorded The subconscious mind acts first on the dominating desires which have been mixed with emotional feeling, such as faith. THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND: THE CONNECTING LINK THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND WORKS DAY AND NIGHT You cannot entirely control your subconscious mind, but you can voluntarily hand over to it any plan, desire, or purpose which you wish transformed into a plan. You are now engaged in trying to help shut out the flow of negative impulses, and to aid in voluntarily influencing your subconscious mind, through positive impulses of DESIRE. When you achieve this, you will possess the key which unlocks the door to your subconscious mind. Moreover, you will control that door so completely, that no undesirable thought may influence your subconscious mind. Everything which man creates, BEGINS in the form of a thought impulse. Man can create nothing which he does not first conceive in THOUGHT. Through the aid of the imagination, The imagination, when under control, may be used for the creation of plans or purposes that lead to success in one’s chosen occupation. The “mixing” of faith with a plan, or purpose, intended for submission to the subconscious mind, may be done ONLY through the imagination. Thoughts are truly things, for the reason that every material thing begins in the form of thought-energy. THE SEVEN MAJOR POSITIVE EMOTIONS to help you develop a “money conscious mind The emotion of DESIRE The emotion of FAITH The emotion of LOVE The emotion of SEX The emotion of ENTHUSIASM The emotion of ROMANCE The emotion of HOPE.  THE SEVEN MAJOR NEGATIVE EMOTIONS-- to be avoided The emotion of FEAR The emotion of JEALOUSY The emotion of HATRED The emotion of REVENGE The emotion of GREED The emotion of SUPERSTITION The emotion of ANGER Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time. One or the other must dominate. It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind. Form the habit of applying and using the positive emotions! Eventually, they will dominate your mind so completely, that the negatives cannot enter it. Only by following these instructions literally, and continuously, can you gain control over your subconscious mind If you are an observing person, you must have noticed that most people resort to prayer ONLY after everything else has FAILED! it is a fact that most people who pray, do so ONLY AFTER EVERYTHING ELSE HAS FAILED, they go to prayer with their minds filled with FEAR and DOUBT, which are the emotions the subconscious mind acts upon, and passes on to Infinite Intelligence. this is a article which is intended to help you develop “money conscious mind by filling your mind with positive emotions. One does not become money conscious by filling one’s mind with negative emotions. If you pray for a thing, but have fear as you pray, that you may not receive it, or that your prayer will not be acted upon by Infinite Intelligence, your prayer will have been in vain. Prayer does, sometimes, result in the realization of that for which one prays for Only by following these instructions literally, and continuously, can you gain control over your subconscious mind The time will come, (it will come as soon as mankind is ready for it, and demands it), no one will approach the Universal Mind in a state of fear, for the very good reason that there will be no such emotion as fear. Ignorance, superstition, and false teaching will disappeared, and man will attained his true status as a child of Infinite Intelligence, a few have already attained this blessing. click here for a business          thanks for reading, talk to you soon, collin.

hi my name is collin henry i am a internet marketer and freelance writer, living in trinidad&tobago.
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