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Traffic And Only Traffic To Succeed Online With My Expertise Free To You.
Published 06-06-2020
Hello Folks - Good morning.
First of all work at home business needs traffic . You and I need a budget say $250 to $400 or more per month for getting traffic. I pay for the below traffic methods and so you must do online. The results do come sometimes and sometimes not as you and I have must confidence and positive mind in business. At times of the year folks join us and work with us and sometimes not as you see seasons and viruses like corona affecting our lives. So, let's get into traffic and please join me as that would be appreciated as I am a paid member in most of the below programs.

Splash Pages :

To be honest with you folks I have done some bad quality splash pages with some results and sometimes no results. You are lucky to be seeing this one as I have researched online and very hefty monthly fees folks. The below one $47 basic and professional version as check out and get both of them to solve your splash page issues. Those pages are mobile response, beautiful designs, Unlimited Spash pages, and the top part is connect to Aweber, Get Response and more auto responders . You ask support any queries and they reply you folks as join below basic and upgrade to professional .

Autoresponder Get Response :

I like Get response auto responder the main reason being I have tested and the messages get delivered perfectly and I do recommend you to join. This is 30 days free and for 1000 subscribers $15 each month and as the subscriberbase increase as you promote like me and reduce your bill some what. This is very essential service as all marketers do need to have. In the above splash page you can connect get response and write autoresponder messages and test it as they flow smoothly and this is a must to a marketer like you and me folks. Join below for 30 days free in get response and give card information as they charge after 30 days.

The Top Game Splash Page and Automation is Done and set it up before you move to the below game of advertising for your business. Please move below when you have done the top two folks as my best part of advise.

Advertising :

First let me talke about the Solo advertising as to get the quick results. Now you have auto responder connected to your beautiful Splash page as try it to test it and join in the below vendor called Udimi Solo Advertising. For $40 you get 100 clicks as you see the vendors with S mark for sales acheived by them as chose 30 or above. If you chose 50 S mark the rate would be more as get if you like it and do not forget to click " Prime Filter " as I do each time and you too please do it. The Splash page type the URL in your mobile phone and test it as it looks goods as most of the people who see your advertisements would join from the mobile phone ( this is just a hint for you and prime filter a hint for you). To Join in the UDIMI as join below and register free and do your solo advertisements as click Find Vendor Or Click Find Deals and you will learn soon about it I am sure .
The Rest of the advertising I do as per the page below and in all of them I am a paid member folks. Please click the below link and click the banner to join in each program and then next click the another program to join and note down in a notepad what you are joining to come back again. The surfing traffic exchanges I do one hour daily and save each link in a tab new and save all say 10 links in a folder in firefox. If you don't know just google how to create a folder in firefox and save all links then you will get an answer. I think it is very easy once you know it.
Good luck folks as please join in all all and succeed . This is my years of knowledge I have shared here and consider yourself lucky today and join all above folks.
Shahid Moh'd
Please note : A very important place for free traffic as in level 7 you get each month 100,000 credits which is saving each days time in free advertising. I am moving slowly there as you join and upgrade each  level up as soon as you can aiming level 7 and promote to earn some money here. Aim for level 7 that is my goal and your goal folks honestly as I want you to succeed and this is my expertise folks to help you.



Hi folks - good morning and god bless you. I do mostly work at home which needs traffic (both paid and free), spend time to get traffic free, consistently promote in paid solo ad's sometimes, and have a budget each month for your business. Having said that get into the field of work at home and succeed with the above criteria. I present honestly good programs as join please and I do thank you. Contact email if you need : Regards Kindly, Shahid Mohammed
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