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Product Review: Auto Traffic Magnet
Published 06-19-2018

Auto Traffic Magnet is a new site that says it guarantees more CONVERTING web visitors and online advertising with very little effort or cost. So I decided to put it to the test...


My first impression was the site looks professional and clean, with an attractive look and feel. It is easy to read and understand. Joining the site was easy and painless--they do offer 2 upgrade options but they are not required to gain the benefits.


The Members Area is very well laid out and intuitive--I could figure out what to do after only a few minutes and was able to get up and running in less than 5 minutes. Inside the site, you create links and ads--the links you simply enter any URL links you use into the generator and it transforms them into "Auto Traffic Magnet" links. You create ads for anything you want to promote using the Auto Traffic Magnet Ad Generator, which is very easy to use. You can create as many links and as many ads as you like. And they are organized in a logical way--links are displayed in the order you create them but also your 5 most recent links appear on the main page for quick reference. Also, since the link generator is the tool you'll use most, it is also right at the top of the main page when you log in. Very smart!


After you've created at least 1 link and 1 ad you can start to generate traffic. Just use and promote the new Auto Traffic Magnet link instead of the original source link you had. Every time the Auto Traffic Magnet link is clicked, the page loads followed by a cool slide-up ad window at the bottom. It displays an ad PLUS an image with your affiliate link that goes back to Auto Traffic Magnet. So if anyone clicks the Auto Traffic Magnet image they see the site, and if they signup they become your referral. It's a great viral feature because you can build referrals without even trying to just by using the site.


Now every time the ad window displays (your Auto Traffic Magnet links get clicked) you earn credits that get YOUR ad displayed in the ad windows when other members' links get clicked. So the more clicks, the more times your ads get displayed.


And this works virally--meaning as you make referrals into Auto Traffic Magnet (either by promoting it or just using it and visitors click the Auto Traffic Magnet image on the ad window to join) you also earn ad credits on THEIR link clicks. And this works up to 5 levels deep. So you can create a massive amount of free ad views and web traffic by referring others to Auto Traffic Magnet also.


I didn't get to test the full effect of a big downline yet (I just got the tool) but I can tell you the rest of the site works exactly as stated--my links got clicked, I earned credits, and my ads got displayed. Auto Traffic Magnet even tracked my results so I know how many clicks and how many ad displays. That was an impressive unadvertised extra feature.


There is one more benefit and feature which might be the best of them all--downline emailing. You can email your downline with offers, promotions, or whatever you like, and here is where Auto Traffic Magnet really shines. They took time to make the emailing often enough that it's valuable as a user, but no so often that it's a burden to your downline. But the best part about this feature (and actually the credit earning too) is that it tells you exactly how long until you can mail again. Now THAT's cool.


Overall I have to say I am impressed with Auto Traffic Magnet. It is simple yet powerful and delivers on its promises. Highly recommended to anyone who wants to increase traffic and advertising.


See it and join here:


Kula Brands Review
Published 06-11-2018

This is an overview about kulaBrands as an organization, what it provided, its payment plans, and all the pros and cons.

This article is to help people pondering being a part of the business community to earn lifetime income and understand this platform. This article has been written on the basis of factual reviews of kulaBrands existing and potential members.

Crowdfunding has gained a lot of momentum recently and has become mainstream today. Crowdfunding is a popular way to gather funds for new inventions. There are a lot of crowdfunding platforms out there. kulaBrands is one of such platforms but with more benefits and flexibility to earn.


Peter Gantner and Doug Kyle are the geniuses behind KulaBrands crowdfunding platform and business community.

This business platform is exactly what its tagline describes it; “the launching, branding, building community”. KulaBrands is an important business platform that is based on the global network of members. As a part of kulaBrands, you will be tied up closely with all the members of the community to convert the ideas into products and get those products to their potential customers. KulaBrands is the only business community that helps the members to earn lifetime residual income just by working for few hours a week. It offers various ways to earn, like crowdfunding pool, branding and marketing, and advertisements and sales.

The significant mission of this platform is to help the entrepreneurs, businesspersons, inventors, and dreamers to find the ways and convert their ideas into realities, by getting them all the support. KulaBrands does not only help the inventors with the financial support but also with the moral support, marketing support and sales support by the community. Through crowdfunding pool, the inventors collect all the funds that help them in launching their products. Once the product is launched the members of the community will then help the product with its advertisement and marketing, and eventually, the product starts to make enormous sales by the selling services offered by kulaBrands.

The members other than the inventors of the products get residual income by supporting the product in crowdfunding pool, pledging for it, doing the marketing of the product or just selling it to the potential customers. The members have to take part in one of the three given options. Whenever the product makes sales anywhere in the world, the supporter of that product will get the residual royalty income over and over again.



There are three services or ways offered by KulaBrands:

  1. Crowdfunding Pool: Crowdfunding pool helps the entrepreneurs in collecting and obtaining the capital they need to launch their product.
  2. Marketing and Branding: This business platform offers a social media membership that helps members to advertise a new product or service to their pages and make awareness about certain crowdfunding project.
  3. Sales: KulaBrands uses the endless benefits and power of the Internet to help boost and stimulate sales for all products that are supported by the KulaBrands community.


There are multiple ways to receive payment through KulaBrands. Once the product hits the funding level it needs to be sold, KulaBrands splits the royalty fees with the participating members. When the money comes in, there will be 3 pools that get the royalties: the Founders Pool, the Branding Marketing Pool, and the Sales Pool. Members are simply paid out on the value of the point.

The KulaBrands offers several ways to earn and receive income. Once the product achieved its funding level and collects the funds it needs to get into the market and eventually to the customers. KulaBrands helps the community members to earn the income if they have pledged the product in crowdfunding pool, market the product or sold that product to the consumer. The member will be paid over and over again whenever the product hits the market anywhere in the world.


The crowdfunding pool is incorporated with the members who pledge an amount to the invention before it goes into official production, thereby earning their Founders Pool Point.


Individuals who promote the product on their social media will earn a point in this category as a marketing affiliate.


Members are also eligible to earn points if a product is purchased through their replicated storefront websites.

To join, individuals have the option of a one-time payment of $249, or they can go for the $20 per month for the 12-month payment plan, which comes out to $240 in the end. Once in, members don’t need to pay for monthly payments and they get to choose how long they want to be with the company.


  • Members are not required to recruit to get paid
  • Businesses are not required to invest money to get a product off of the ground
  • One time action leads you towards the lifetime royalty income and you will get paid over and over again
  • Plus, investing in these startup businesses and their products produce positive impacts for both the business owners and the general consumer population. Without funding these ideas, we’d never be exposed to some of the best inventions/ideas to come.


KulaBrands is one of the most popular growing business platforms that are rapidly rising and carries a great scope in future. The trend of crowdfunding is increasing and there are various crowdfunding platforms the KulaBrands differs from all of them. This platform does not only benefit the inventors but also the supporters with the residual income for life.

KulaBrands offers the opportunity to learn about the business and arranges webinars for the potential members and the individuals wanting to join the community. If you have any question or interest in getting involved with the most beneficial and mind-blowing business model then CLICK HERE NOW.

Wait... Read This Before You Join Infinity Traffic Boost!
Published 11-08-2017

You came online to earn a part time or full time income, right, and I would be willing to bet that you also, hoped, in the back of your mind, that you could have FUN while earning, too.

C'mon, be serious, I'm sure you thought about that a bit, right? At least you didn't plan on your online business being daily drudgery that was almost as bad as a J.O.B. and, worse yet, didn't pay you a regular salary.

I was in the same boat, felt the same emotions, fears and frustrations until I found an advertising and income HOME.

Yep, a trusted community where I could EARN (for referrals and performing simple tasks) that also gave me built in advertising for my main program.

It was manna from heaven, let me tell you!

And what I found, that was truly fascinating, was that every time I uncovered a new and rewarding feature, I realized it was designed to create more money and better advertising results for members.

I was truly blown away, I think you'll agree, too, as we dive into some details about this new service.

First and foremost, it is providing me a way that I can EARN EVERY DAY by performing simple tasks. Yes, I have a primary business to build but I also need to earn consistent money while building my main business and I'm sure you are in the same boat and so is your team.

But, what's great, is that I can earn Free Advertising AND Cold Hard Cash Every Day by perfoming simple tasks just a few minutes a day.

I'm sure that you have heard of Traffic Exchanges which are a VERY Popular way for experienced marketers and "newbies" alike to gain exposure for their program at a very low (or even free) cost.

Well, I can tell you that I have found a First of It's Kind Traffic Exchange, just recently launched by Frank Bauer and Clinton Clark that is truly a Revolutionary LEAP Forward in Advertising and Income.

InfinityTrafficBoost ("ITB") allows you to earn traffic credits AND revenue share cash DAILY merely by spending a few minutes surfing other websites.

What's so cool, too, is that ITB is the world's first Truly Legal and Sustainable Revenue Share Traffic Exchange purchase points from as low as $2.11 to as high as $2,114.11. Yep! There is something for everyone and EVERYONE can benefit from both the little and the big purchases.

I want to talk to you about the sustainable revenue share in a minute, but I first want to explain what blew me away with the compensation plan - an idea that has been a long time in coming in this industry - pay every member for every sale they make regardless of their membership level!

Think about it, if members on a low budget can earn big commissions, they will probably put a bit more effort into marketing, right?

And, if the Big Players, well financed marketers, can earn even BIGGER Commissions, they'll be quite happy to market, too, right (I mean, c'mon, a $1,470.68 commission - with potential leverage - HAS to be appealing, right?)

That's what I found at InfinityTrafficBoost - ALL Members earn a MINIMUM of 30% commission on all sales they generate or get passed to them (ooooh, ANOTHER Hidden benefit!) and as much as 80%. That's real money!

And why is this important to you, why should you care about OTHER People making money?

Well, it's very simple, it's because the more people who are promoting ITB the more "eyeballs" will be seeing YOUR ads and providing YOU with more value and more exposure for your main program.

But, wait, it gets better, too (See, I told you that as I "peeled the onion" here at ITB the better and better it got!).

Every time there is an advertising purchase made in InfinityTrafficBoost 10% of the purchase price is allocated to the Surfers Rewards Pool. These Surfers Rewards are released to the qualifying participants in a consistent fashion creating reliable and income potential for participants. PLUS, that 10% is enhanced by even MORE admin contributions when a sale is made by a member who earns 30% instead of the max 80%.

So, you can see, that by merely surfing a few sites a day ITB members can earn consistent cash that could grow to be very sustainable and reliable and is further enhanced by purchasing additional advertising.

As members purchase larger and larger advertising packages they get more advertising credits to advertise their main program and they are able EARN more from Referrals and SURF More to earn more in the Surfers Rewards Pool! (See what I told you... Everything they do at ITB is designed to generate more money and more (better) traffic for members!)

Should we dig a bit deeper into the compensation plan, peel that onion just a bit more?


Two things that I want to wrap up with here (1) Leverage and (2) Residual Income.

First, the leverage... ITB has created an INCREDIBLE compensation plan that rewards you for your referral efforts so you want to tell your friends about ITB right away. You'll earn 30% - 80% of their purchase of any package level equal to or one price point higher than what you have purchased as long as you have met the minimal surfing requirements.

But, here's where the Leverage kicks in (stay with me, it gets good here!)... Every fourth sale you make at each of the purchase price points is paid UP to your sponsor or qualifying sponsor. Watch -- That means that YOU'LL be receiving every fourth sale from each of your direct referrals to infinity width and in some cases that can go to infinity depth!

NOTE: Another FASCINATING feature with ITB is that, while there are 11 price points, you do NOT have to purchase each package in ascending order. Nope... rather, when you purchase advertising credits at a particular price point you'll be able to earn boosted (80%) commissions one level HIGHER (as noted above) plus ALL the lower levels. Plus you earn 30% commissions on all remaining packages.

Wow, that is a HUGE incentive to purchase up a few levels, don't you think? Having the ability to earn boosted commissions on multiple levels by purchasing only on one? Wow! (Of course, always stay within your budget, but invest in and believe in yourself. ITB is here to help you earn, build and succeed!)

Now, the final piece to this fantastic puzzle (or should we say this dwindling onion as we peel it? LOL) and that final piece is RESIDUAL Income!

Check this out... When you purchase an advertising credits package in InfinityTrafficBoost you are immediately "Purchase Boost Activated" for 90 days. This means you are now positioned to earn up to 80% commissions on that level, one level above and all purchase levels below for 90 days. To continue to earning at that purchase level after 90 days, you'll need to purchase another advertising credits package.

What ITB has created is an incredible opportunity to earn RECURRING Income without the fear and hassle of setting up a subscription payment. If you are earning from your efforts (surfing OR referrals) you'll surely want to keep referral and, here's the good part, so will YOUR Referrals and "Up" sales!

How cool is that?

So, I hope you can now see why I am so very excited about InfinityTrafficBoost. I know that ITB has already made me a nice consistent income and provided me with excellent exposure for my main program.

The Community at InfinityTrafficBoost is intelligent, active and engaged which is exactly the type of audience you want to view your ads, right?

I would encourage you to check out ITB now, join free and have a look around. Yes, as noted above you CAN earn as a free member and you CAN earn without referrals.

But WOW, Can you earn and benefit a LOT more as a paid member - Check it out today and feel free to post here any questions or comments that you may have!

Oh, and if you are wondering, you can purchase into ITB with PayZa or BitCoin, Commissions on sales in BitCoin are paid INSTANTLY Via BitCoin and Surfing Rewards are paid every two weeks, also via BitCoin.

How cool is THAT?

You can get all detailed information about the program from the InfinityTrafficBoost site at So if you want to get more traffic and see your earnings grow, try InfinityTrafficBoost. You have nothing to lose with it.


Expose Your Ads - Another Traffic Exchange?
Published 06-28-2017 and the People Behind the Concept

EXPYA has been launched by the A place where unique ideas are born and discussed between independent entrepreneurs and website owners. This is where Meenakshi and Vikrant Bapat(owners of )first met Klaus Biesel. This is where Klaus(owner of learned about Vikrant's hosting service and about Meenakshi's Traffic Exchange. Quite a power constellation, as Klaus was looking for a reliable hosting service and some help in individual programming. That's how the idea and the Philosophy of was born and brought to live. 

Meenakshi and Vikrant are the owners and Klaus Biesel (aka Klausius) has become co admin. 

Klaus as former journalist and business consultant (though his German/English sometimes sucks) started his online career in 2006 after he moved to the Philippines. Teaming with an experienced power couple have put all their expertise together to create a traffic exchange which is fair and delivers the most honest untampered traffic to my websites. The price is very affordable, starting at a low lifetime $14.95 subscription, and insures the sustainability of this great service. 

Marty Petrizza, who is well known for sites, such as Email-Hog and Referral Frenzy ,and an expert in her field has given EXPYA her approval by joining and promoting at her Referral frenzy site. Her services are tested and proven, and she understands that it delivers results as well. 

Pro Traffic

Meenakshi and Vikrant have provided a place to get professional, 100% cheat free, traffic to my promotions. I found that they have a unique way of promoting members' ads that I have not seen before.

 They have the only site that will "boot you out" after surfing for 15 minutes. This is to ensure that surfers are actually paying attention to the ads and not tab surfing. This is a paid site which means you have professional buyers looking at your websites. 

To make a long story short, after you have joined at EXPYA you read the their philosophy and you will easily recognize that your advertising is in good hands. If you see a one time offer while logging in the first time, catch it.  

It's definitely time for something new and different. This site will be hopping with activity so it's where your offers need to be!

To your online success! 

Edward McKinney
Free QR Codes for any website and Free 
Virtual Business Cards with QR Code:





EasyCash4Ads Review: Scam or Legit?
Published 06-29-2017

Full Review of the EasyCash4Ads System


EasyCash4ads Launched in December 2016 and is being praised as the new surprise program of the decade. I investigate how these claims rate. Can EasyCash4Ads live up to the claim or is it an refined scam.


EC4A's compensation plan is a 2-up system where your first two sales (which they refer to as qualifier sales) are passed up to your sponsor. Everybody has to make these 2 qualifier sales before they can begin their first income leg which means the longer you are in the system, the more likely it is you will actually make a good chunk of money.


Before we get to the cost to join, let's first have a look at the 2-up compensation plan and why it works.


On a simple 1-up where only your first sale is passed up to your sponsor, your income can quickly come to a standstill if the last person you referred can't or won't refer anyone. This is assuming you only started one income leg, but you can still see why this method is doomed to fail. 1-ups are typically associated with get-rich-quick schemes and our advice would be to stay away from them.


What makes the 2-up compensation plan different is that with each level you reach, the risk of your income coming to a halt is effectively halved. Continue a few levels down and it becomes almost impossible to stop it.


So how much does it cost to join and what do you get for it?


The total cost to join is a one-time $19; $9 is for your hosting and the remaining $10 goes to your sponsor. What you get for your $19 is actually a bit more than what is advertised and that is always nice when a company can over-deliver on a product.


Officially, everybody in your income leg/s will see your full page ad for 25 seconds each time they log in. While this can have a profound effect in other programs you belong to, it quickly loses its power after you have seen the same ad a dozen times, especially if you went ahead and joined whatever system your sponsor is advertising. This is where the owners used their heads and the first part of over-delivering starts.


Any new members you get into your income legs, whether directly referred or passed up from the people in your EasyCash4Ads legs, will see your ad every time they log in to their back-office, but only for the first two weeks. After two weeks they will see a random member's ad. Not only does this put your ad in front of more eyes than simply the people in your leg/s, it also has the added benefit for newbies and those members who are slow at referring of getting a lot other people to look at their offer.


Maintaining to over deliver, a special section found in your the back-office is dedicated to member contributions. Here you will find reports in both Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat PDF formats by some top recruiters in EasyCash4Ads where they outline the exact methods they use daily to get sign-ups. Just this feature alone is a gold mine as the information relates to all on-line marketing and not just for EasyCash4Ads. If you are struggling to make a dime on-line these reports will really open your eyes as to how successful marketers go about getting referrals. It is the equivalent of a guru standing over your shoulder and telling you exactly what to do every day.


A last honorable mention I want to give before passing the final verdict has to go to the affiliate resources.


While most program owners will give you two or three resources to help you promote and send you on your way, the owners of EasyCash4Ads really look after their affiliates. They cover all aspects of marketing, both off-line and on-line with an abundance of tools you are not likely to see anywhere else.


The back-office is divided in to 2 sections when it comes to affiliate resources to make it easy for newbies to start and work their way up to the more in depth tools without getting overwhelmed. Talking about tools, the capture pages and splash pages are almost works of art and sure to draw in visitors.


They also have a complete follow-up system designed to draw in new members with a mixture of information and humor. They also send members a copy-and-paste email to send to prospects who opted in to receive more information. What makes this copy-and-paste email especially powerful is that they managed to create an email for members to send out which actually does a hard sell (yes, you read that right), but they disguise it as a very innocent and sincere email.



Final verdict.


EasyCash4Ads offers phenomenal value for a one-time cost of only $19. While some marketers may consider it a pseudo gifting system, there is much more than meets the eye. As a feeder program it is a perfect fit as everyone and their uncle has $19 to spare. For those of you who already belong to FunMouse and / or GDI, EasyCash4Ads has the added bonus that it feeds into those programs as well to help you get more sign-ups without any extra effort.


This program gets our highest recommendation.


Click here to visit

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