Make Money Online With Larry
Want Ten Times More Traffic
More Traffic, Less Surfing!
Hello again,
Today I am going to show you how to generate much more traffic from the
most reliable source on the net...
I love traffic exchanges.
Because they work... if you know how to use them.
Think about this for 5 seconds. What do ALL surfers want?
ANSWER: Traffic to THEIR website!
How do most Traffic Exchange users get traffic to their website?
ANSWER: Surfing. (Click, click, click)
Did you know there is a much easier way to earn traffic?
Most Traffic Exchange owners give you bonus traffic credits as an incentive
to refer other surfers to their exchange.
I'm sure you have noticed while surfing that one of the most popular things
advertised is Traffic Exchanges. People are using credits in one exchange to
advertise and gain referrals in another.
Because they want MORE TRAFFIC! When you build your downlines, you get p@id
with additional traffic credits you did not surf to get.
However, most people advertise traffic exchanges one-at-a-time.
Doing so is a huge mistake!
Why promote one exchange when you can promote several with one link?
Look at the resources section near the bottom of your Traffic Report.
The resources section includes several top-rated and profitable TEs, and
when you re-brand the report with YOUR links to these TEs you are gaining
referrals by sharing the report with other surfers.
Like you, they will learn WHY they should join these top-rated TEs and
build their TE downlines, too.
When I stopped trying to sell my 'golden opportunity' and started showing people
how to get more traffic, something almost magical happened.
People started joining these TEs. My traffic exchange downlines EXPLODED!
Building my downlines has increased my traffic ten-fold!
I now have traffic credits building even when I don’t have time to surf. Viral
growth is taking place on its own, and I can’t stop it now if I wanted to.
The same WILL happen for you... but...
ONLY if you take ACTION!
Start building your traffic downlines today!
To All Your Traffic,
Larry Ellner
PS. Would you like 4 million TE credits?
Check this out. You'll discover how TEProfits helps you
get thousands of website visitor EVERY DAY on autopilot!
No opt-in required. This Crash Course made the light bulbs come on for me
and it will for you, too!
Your Traffic Report,
You are about to discover how to generate much more traffic, leads for your
business and up front c@sh flow from Traffic Exchanges like clockwork.
You'll be amazed how easy it is!
The TEProfits Traffic Report was written for you by a full-time professional
Traffic Exchange marketer. It reveals the common advertising mistakes people
make and offers steps YOU can take starting NOW to correct them.
In a hurry? Here is the link to your report...
You will also receive a series of emails to help you apply the simple strategies
in the Traffic Report. Be sure to save them for future reference.
A sampling of what you will discover includes:
1. More Traffic
One simple tool that will generate more traffic with less surfing. Multiply
your traffic easily by a factor of 10 or more when you apply this strategy.
2. Lead Generation
How to automatically convert your traffic into leads for YOUR business. Build
your list... not someone else's.
3. The Funded Proposal
Discover how offering one low-cost, high-demand product can fund all of your
marketing expenses. With this strategy you can even purchase your traffic
(rather than surf) and turn an immediate profit!
4. Mailing Lists and Follow Up
Why the money is NOT in the list and how to follow up properly with your
prospects. Do this wrong and you will lose them. Do this right and they will
become paying customers and thank you for it.
5. Promoting YOUR Business
Learn when and how to introduce your prospects to your business. Discover how
putting their needs before your own will allow you to get p@id even if they
do not join your primary business!
The concepts presented by TEProfits are easy to understand. However, it is
not necessary to understand why they work in order for you to benefit.
You can know everything about advertising in Traffic Exchanges. But if you
do not take action, you won't see any benefit from your knowledge.
On the other hand, you can take action with a proven method that works and
reap the benefits... even with no clue as to why it works.
Section 3 of the Traffic Report reveals how to gain full access the TEProfits
Marketing System where all the hard work has already been done for you. Just
follow the step-by-step instructions and you can start profiting with your
TE marketing today.
With this traffic and lead generation system, you can make ANY legitimate
business work!!
Read the report and get started now...
Is the relentless pursuit of more web traffic driving you mad?
If so then perhaps I can help.
There is nothing more frustrating than clicking for hours or posting on social media, just hoping to get a little attention from a prospective customer.
After hours of work, you are no further ahead than when you started.
You feel confused and frustrated, wondering why this simply isn't working ... again ... like all the things you have tried in the past.
What if I told you there was there is a way to generate more
Than you ever thought possible.
That is why I'm excited to be able to share a step by step plan to make money online working from home.
Hold onto your hat you're about to learn the secret to making money with traffic exchanges that most marketers will never learn.
You can be wildly successful with traffic exchahges if you use them correctly.
If you want results, then TE Profits is the way to get them.
It can generate the results you're looking for by giving away the training that serious marketers need, want and desire. Take the training and see how this can work for you.
So click below, and join me and build your list while you finally make the insane money you've been looking for. Click the link below and we'll show you how it's done.
So what are you waiting for you have nothing to lose and everthing to gain...
Thanks for reading.
Larry Ellner
Skype: LarryEllner
Home Based Business Vs Traditional Business
As a Merger And Acquisition Specialist I would have people who would come to my office and tell me they would like to find a business that would earn them say $100,000 annually. What I would tell people is as follows:
Small businesses sell at an average Cap Rate of 33%-25%. This means a typical small business earning a verifiable $100,000 would sell on average for$300,000. But, there is more to the story than that. Most people don’t put down the whole Purchase Price in cash. They make a Down Payment and either finance the balance with Seller Financing, Bank Financing or a combination of both. Typically The Debt Service is about 25% of the adjusted Net Operating Income (NOI). So, in order to net $100,000 we need to start out with an NOI of $130,000. .
In addition the business would require about $25,000 in working capital.
So let’s see how all this plays out.
The typical terms of purchase would be as follows:
The NOI needed: $100,000
Estimated Annual Debt $30,000
NOI+Debt Service $130,000
Purchase Price ($130,000/.333) $390,000
Down Payment: $130,000
Promisssory Note: $260,000
@6% for 10 yrs.
Monthly Note Payment: $$3086.00
Annual Payments: $37032.00
To summarize : For the buyer to Purchase a business with an adjusted NOI after Debt Service he/she would need:
Down payment: $130,000
Working Capital $25,000
Total cash Investment #155,000
Execute a Promissory Note: $260,000
The promissory note is typically secured by the assets of the business and the Buyer’s personal guarantee. What that means if the buyer defaults on the promissory note, he loses the business, the down payment and the working capital and could lose all of his personal assets ie. Home, Bank Deposits,Stocks, Bonds et al.
By the way, statistics show that 80% of all start-up businesses fail in the first 18-24 months. Worst case scenario, we are dealing with a potential “Financial Armageddon”
Here’s another alternative. Start a Home Based Business. Find a company and or product/service that you can be passionate about. Start using the product and or service and enroll as a distributor. Instead of investing in a business invest in yourself by getting the proper training and education. I can show anyone who is properly trained and educated how to build a Home Based Business that will generate $10,000 a month in as little as 6-12 months.
Here’s the best part:
It usually costs only about $1500 or less to get started with a Home Based Business program.
There is some working capital needed to run a Home Based Business; but not much.
Beyond the initial start-up package there is virtually no financial risk.
The education and training can be financed on a pay as you go basis. If you find the right program the Education and Training will be included in the initial start-up package.
So, it’s safe to say that that the advent of the internet has provided almost anyone the equivalent of a miracle. Pretty much anyone can start their own business without a major financial investment and serious risk to their financial future.
So, your question should be “what do I need to get started”?
The answer:
A telephone
A computer
An Internet Connection
A Start-up package from the company of your choice
Get educated
Get trained
Get Going
Quote Of The Day
Your partner in success,
Larry Ellner
P.S. Here's the system I recommend to make money online…
FULL DISCLOSURE: You should assume
the publisher of this Press Release has an affiliate
relationship and/or another material connection, to any suppliers
of goods and services that may be discussed here, and may be
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services, or linking to the supplier's website.
Is the relentless pursuit of more web traffic driving you mad?
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What if I told you there was a simple solution to your problem
Which is why today, I'm delighted to share with you Article Video Robot. It's a known fact that people remember what they can see or hear. That's why Videos convert better than the traditional text message that most marketers employ.
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So click below, and join me in AVR
See you on the inside!
Larry Ellner
Skype: LarryEllner
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