Money out of Nowhere

Latest Blog Posts - Cameron DeGale...
Millions of page views for you
Published 07-17-2024

The union of ideas that brings only excitement, progress and elation

How do you increase your chances to make an income on the internet?

This page is not big enough to answer that.

where is there a place where my actions count and would get results?


The club is the place where I reside. It has all the lessons I have learned whilst I have been here

trying to do what you are now trying to do.

Here is a motiff.

Be like a stamp: Stick to it till you get there.


61 Bridge Street




If you want to have a business of your own where everything you do puts money in your pocket

join the club.

In this club I do not charge a fee however nothing is for free.

You have to give. Everybody in this club has to give in order to receive.

Now are you going to say to yourself I have not known you for very long so please send me an email

telling me more about the business.

I understand you would do that with the person next door.

Here is the only place I put a markup.

If you apply in writting I won't reject you.

If you send money with your application you will be already an upgraded member in my books.

I will work with everyone on an equal basis to make money.

The reality of life is nothing is gained without money and time. That's it.


Here is  my adboard:


If you write to me and you have placed an ad on my adboard I will promote your ad on a separate page on my blog.

If you have sent me money i will promote your ad on another page where I will promote for all who have made a payment.

That is three free advertisements for you being a member of my club


61 Bridge Street





Money help from Mauses
Published 06-25-2024


Have you tried to get money and been rejected.

Do not keep trying you are only going to mess up your prospects.

I am not going to put any links on this page so relax. I have been there so you are talking to someone who knows.

This is the deal.


You wait 4 weeks max.  I will give you £50.00

No lender is going to do that. This is a postal service.

Send your contribution to:


61 bridge Street, Kington, Hertfordshire,HR5 3DJ

when I receive your payment I will contact and explain in more detail what I want from you.

Understand that I need more than one client to do this so it may be a good idea to spread the word.

I need you to respond because I want to prove to you that you can make money when others

are rejecting you.

I also want to prove to you that my money secrets can turn things around.

I have to hear from you for that to happen.





Money on the table
Published 05-17-2024


Check The update page HERE   Read below first



The best ideas are those that come naturally.


This blog has a powerful idea that you can use this very moment


Follow the story to the end. It is very touching. What comes out of it is magic




Imagine you can take £100.00 and turn it into £1000.00.

Re invest it ten times and you build capital up to £1000.00 and more.

It is ok I have permission the lady wants to get the work done.

You get to make some easy money in the process.


Here is where you can make some money.

Put your own name tag after the link above and keep it to 8 characters. You must keep it the same, do not change it.

Promote that in order to make sales.

Anyone who buys from your link must give me their affiliate link Here

If they pay into my bank account they must also let me know so I can link the payment to you.

Sorry This is the only way I can connect with you.


Seeing you are going to make money from PFFA (Profit From Free Ads) I will help you promote it.

If you bring money into the business I will give you 50% on top of what you pay into the bank account..

To be clear if you put £100.00 on normal terms you would get £100.00 plus your £100.00 in return. As you are now promoting my link I will give you £150.00 plus your £100.00 in return as an example.

This is a limited opportunity so my offer is tentative.


I will keep note of performance so I can guage how things are moving. If there is room for expansion it would not be withheld


I want this to continue even when we finish the contract. There are other developments we can get into so the more together this is the more capital and prospect is in the offing.

You will find all current recommendations on this page.

However you come to this page the blog link is there so you get the full story.

I’m looking for people who are willing to volunteer the use of their card so that we keep the system alive.

Again I’m prepared to reward you for such a deed.


The problem with most offers is you have to pay and do a lot of joining other things in order to make a buck.


You can make a lot of money here at very low cost.


All you have to do is pay £5.00 to this Link. 8 digit ID Here)


Put an 8 digit ID here. Make sure it has a mixture of letters and numbers.


Everyone who sees this offer has to pay £5.00.


You must get another person to pay £5.00 to qualify.


Now you get help here:


If you join PFFA from my link at the top I will help you buy ad packs.

I will help you to get to ad pack 7 as soon as  financially possible.


This is a joint venture. If you follow normal systems some people do not make money at all.

Here there is no counting. You pay, you work, you get money.


I fund this from my own resources so if you want to receive benefits it's cheap enough.


A one time payment that sees 100,s paid into your bank account.


I have a project to fund but you too will benefit from overflow into the system.


I need transport which will bring money into the pool.


You will be getting overrides for as long as you are in the system.


You will get money from compound effects. Others are charging you through the nose for that kind of thing.


£5.00 once and you get MONEY ON THE TABLE come on wake up.


Just to qualify. Did you ever see an ebook called “The warrior in you”?

My copy vanished into thin air


If you pay, the money will keep coming. I will be promoting this non stop, that's all you have to do.




I will contact you for bank details.


Metal is money
Published 06-24-2024




I collect scrap metal in my spare time. It comes naturally to me as I have been in plumbing and heating

for years.

I do ask people to send me metal but you can imagine the response.

It is not natural to them. The internet is more about sending emails and clicking ads for credits.

it is amazing the internet is full of free but when you offer people free money they think it is a joke.

One day when they wake up they will get a shock.

I have always wondered how do you target your audience.

when I listen to webinars it is a costly affair.

I have tracked my posts on FaceBook but what the guru's teach is not reflected in the tracking link.

As  time goes on I have learned more so I'm talking to my own market here.

If you are a metal merchant I want your ears.

Now when the price of metal is low clients do not frequent you as often.

Preparing metal for sale is very time consuming and so marketers are going to keep a close eye on price.

If you as a scrap yard can offer them a better deal then you will attract customers and business flow would increase.

business Overflow


you will have to put the http:// in front and post it in your url box.

I write a lot of my post in google docs but Leadsleap where I operate most of the time does not

accept Google doc articles. Neither do they accept blogger posts.

In order to get around that I have come here. I will be able to post this in my rotator.

Now you will see that I offer 5 times the postage to my domestic clients.

That is just to entice them but common sense does not exist where they are concerned.

If you are a metal merchant that does not apply to you.

Metal will be costly to post so I am not really asking you to send me metal.

I want to transact with you so you can offer your customers a better price.

What I dont know is how much money it would take to make a significant shift in price.

My bank details are below.

If you are happy to go ahead and send me your input I be happy to start generating funds for your business.

I collect metal, I do have a stock of metal of my own.

I walk the precious metals to a retailer close by.

The steel my brother takes in when he is not making a fool of himself.

If like the shiny object practitioners you are on a confidence trip you can write to me here:


61 bridge Street




Whatever you chose to invest Send me 30% of it. I will multiply it 3x over and return your profit plus capital back

to you.

Now , I am talking to you because you will understand me more than those

unlearned rebels I have to deal with everyday. (just joking)

Understand the potential of this.

I just need one person to respond and the rest will be history.

Also note I will be adding your contribution with my own to generate more business.

I'm also trading on the internet so will get some income there.

I live in west London so it might not be economical for you to drop stuff.

However this is a sensible thing, if you see sense in it.

I live in private property so write to me and I will explain lets keep it off the air.

Happy Merchant

A little hint. If you hit the account before I get your mail the deal will be a lot sweeter.

My handle on Instagram is 4dpupus you can contact me there.

I would be glad if you make a point of leaving a comment there.

That will sweeten the deal even more.

My name on Facebook is Jatoboy. Leave a comment on my time line and again you will be well loved and appreciated

and treated with lot of regard and respect.

Understand respect is not a word. You won't find it in the dictionary only in your bank account.

Make sure to leave me your bank details so input from me is ongoing.

Use the postal address.



Pay principally to:

Cameron J DeGale
Royal Bank OF Scotland

If it is diffiicult to do the banking pay here:

Always check the update PAGE


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