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The Easy Way To Build A Business Online
Published 02-16-2020


It's Great To Start Something Big

No doubt you’ve heard it said that people who are truly successful online marketers number around 2-3% of the population. So it follows that more than 90 percent either don’t make a living or make nothing at all.

~  Chances are then, that If you’re planning to ‘lift your game’ from this point forward - to get included in the top 2% - 3% internet marketers (or anywhere near that) - be sure to read ALL of this Press Release AND Take action today and here’s why.,.. MrX-Traffic has recently announced its complete prospect finding and money getting method. ~

Whilst it's not ‘new’ in the real sense of the word, what they are currently promoting is AND most savvy internet marketers and business owners WANT what they bring to the market.

Who is this for? Anyone who REALLY wants to make money online!

CEO and system developer Paul Darby is a highly successful and well-known marketer who currently enjoys positions in the Top 10 of 3-4 worldwide business opportunities. In a recent webinar announcing the re-launch of MrX-Traffic 2020, he confided in members that in the last 10 years not one day has gone by without him receiving income from his online efforts.

So What does it take to get paid every day?

The biggest thing in internet marketing is building your list. You do this by getting people to Know, Like and Trust you through your daily actions and performance, quality of products/ service and demonstrable results! When people choose to join and follow online, they are in effect, saying ”I like how you talk” because what you deliver attracts their interest and gives them hope and confidence to build their own list, brand themselves and their business.

Premium Traffic

The lifeblood of any business is customers and that requires a steady, reliable stream of Traffic from which to harvest quality, targeted Leads to market to. Given the comments above It could surely be said that Nobody provides better traffic/leads than MrX-Traffic. [Proven results over 10 years]

When this writer first made contact and joined Mrx-Traffic (some 3-4 years ago) I was frustrated by several years of lackluster results and was acting on the professional recommendation of a well-known Internet Marketer -with abundant experience online - to secure reliable premium traffic and quality buyers lead .and was not disappointed.

Done-for- you Lead Capture Funnels and Quality leads

What is on offer here is a total lead generation and capture system of the highest quality.which has been proven and refined over a number of years. What really stands out is the trouble-free way in which member/users not only get access to some of the best web-traffic there is but a unique version of the owner’s own lead capture system featuring highly regarded lead capture components, lead tracking, income generation (via the Affiliate membership) and sales.

Are you Desperate or just ‘Interested ‘ in making money online?

Then you should check on Launch Memberships currently on sale - the floodgates are open and anyone reading this press release and watching this video will be “well ahead of the hungry hordes”! Becoming a member or newsletter subscriber and you desire to learn. delivers a definite marketing advantage. You are arguably in the top 5% or 10% of the total market.

Joining NOW will afford you amazing discounts that may soon be withdrawn.

The new system you can have you building your list with Free and Paid traffic in no time. Membership launch pricing A VIP membership provides members with access to high web-traffic, premium buyers leads and Traffic along with Resellers Licence all of which provide additional streams of income,. If you want to buy and sell premium traffic and develop multiple streams of income, this is as good if not better than a lot of programs you'd pay hundreds of dollars more for. If you'd like to build your list to bring you sales day or night, then this will be the most intriguing letter you've read in a long, long time.

Once you nail this, you have the ability to open the traffic floodgates and let the good times roll. You’ll understand what very few others do how to build a list, make money online and get paid! Why is it so good to get in now before the launch ends? Early adopters will enjoy significant advantages by joining NOW before real launch prices kick in!

The process couldn’t be simpler.

Grab a VIP membership and enter your personal details to complete the sign-up. Lead capture funnels, affiliate information and access to the membership area is immediate - everything is prepared for you to hit the ground running! The moment you secure your VIP membership… for $19.97 a month, you will be directed to your new business office and VIP membership areas where you gain full access to a massive traffic and traffic resource area. enter any website link you wish and every day of your life that site will get massive daily traffic. find cool stuff to sell and order premium traffic and begin building a series of online business.

ClickHere to subscribe to my newsletter and more information 

Frank Heath

64 21334569

Skype: frank.heath1


We know a secret on why you should secure your membership as fast as you can: we want to share with you the owner has gone more than 10 years and never missed  one day of making money online whether he was working that way or not. We want you to know his amazing secret that is so easy to do if only you know about it.

Will This Launch Will Make Internet History?
Published 01-22-2020

Whilst many will say  "The money is in the list" ...

. .  experienced marketers will tell you  "The money is  in YOUR list!"

For THAT you have a reliable source of Premium Traffic.

I have been online for almost 22 years and during that time have been engaged in a very wide variety of ways to make money ranging from multi-level marketing, advertising packages, affiliate marketing, training, and coaching.

During that time I’ve experienced much disappointment from many ‘make money online' ’ schemes most  of which, at first sight, seemed to be legit.

Later, I invariably discovered ‘cracks' in the system or process only when it was too late to take any corrective action!

I have lost money and I have earned significant online.

As a result of my experiences, I’ve sought to alert others to be aware of common ‘problems’ when choosing or working online opportunities.

I earned decent commissions and scooped the quality leads I was looking for.

The owner of this Premium Lead sourcing opportunity provides awesome  traffic, has good-standing within the industry and like all good businesses, it is evolving.

You now have a chance to get involved and get premium visitors to your website.

Click HERE  for More info:

All my best

Frank Heath

Newsflash!  Visit this link for updated  article

What does fossiking for gold and turning a few river rocks over have in common ?
Published 03-06-2019

Quick answer :   Both activities can provide invaluable information and lead to large rewards.


 Let me explain..


Knowing where to look for gold can be the difference to either "striking some pay-dirt" or enduring hours to find nothing save a few rocks for their time and effort.


Searching for gold - especially in rivers or old river-beds is both an art and a science.


Gold is heavy and sinks fast in water. It is frequently found in strong flowing rivers and dried-up river beds.
So, to understand where to look for gold, one needs to understand rivers.


The flow and behavior of water during various seasons of the year.
There’s fast water and slow water; shallow and deep.


There’s a broad range of rocks, stones, and sandy river beds. All of them affect the way the water flows and how currents move and therefore Influence the way in which gold traverses the river-bed.

Not surprising then that savvy gold seekers not only pay attention to these things,
Whilst simultaneously honing a few fossicking techniques.

Over time it can make a big difference.

It’s like 'money in the bank'.


Likewise, any trout or Fly-fisherman worth his salt will tell you that whilst much of the art or trout fishing lies in the skill of casting a line in a precise and delicate fashion.


The choice of fly is also a critical factor.


If the trout is ever to be enticed the artificial fly needs to be a close match to “the flavor of the day”!
What’s feeding, moving or hatching? Turning over rocks on the river bed can help.


A few minutes studying the nymphs and larvae living under a few rocks then matching them to a ‘likely-looking’ artificial fly can be the difference between a nice dinner or can of beans!


It’s all about understanding “who your customer is” and “Knowing where to fish”


Put simply, If you want to catch a trout fish go fish a well-known river where the trout are and offer them something they like!


If you want to catch a shark you’ll need different bait, access to the sea and much heavier gear!   



So what has this all to do with online marketing?


Follow the strategy outlined above. 

  • Know who you’re seeking
  • what their interests are
  • where to find them and
  • what’s likely to interest them.


If all this sounds “too hard”  DON"T  WORRY - the  SOLUTION  IS  HERE!


Click The Link Below 

Get Your Copy Of The TripleA Plan



Tight lines!!

Frank Heath


P.S.   I call it my “Cunning Plan” - and you can get your there Right now!

Frank Heath

Could this be the fastest way to crush it and achieve Your Global Lifestyle ?
Published 01-06-2019
It's a quiet, warm day here in New Zealand and I' am doing my daily stuff online.
I call this My " 7 Day Challenge " - you know, 'that time of year when people start crystal-gazing and looking for the fastest way to earn income online,  seek out a new lifestyle and formulate their new year resolutions.
"Some do -  Some Don't - Some will - Some won't."
Yesterday, the  CEO of my other [main] online business sent out a short video message of his  "State-of-the-business"  and Goals for 2019.
It was very relaxed, dynamic and contained some great news.
I thought I'd share it with you for a couple of reasons . .
  1. I have 'known' (from a distance) the two guys in the video for more than 20 years online. 
  2. Joel, the CEO (Red Shirt) has made more than $ 200,000,000 in that period of time (and several millionaires) - if anyone knows how to make a business work online he does.
  3. This company has the best compensation plan I've ever seen - paying up to 90% residual commissions.
  4. Just watching this short video you will learn more about online marketing than most people learn in a lifetime! (It's crammed with JUICY crumbs of information that should help you see through the 'fog' of internet marketing.

It's my experience  (after 20 plus years online) that most internet entrepreneurs users don't make squat (that's a slang word that means nothing) 

They just don't make it financially.

But Joel is different, awesome in fact.

He was disadvantaged in life right from the start. Nonetheless, he found ways to compensate for the obvious, and overcome the unfortunate physical attributes he was born with.

He developed a winning philosophy and self-belief that gave him strength and direction to improve his health and fitness and started an internet business. 

During the past 22 years, his business rapidly went to 8 figures.

 He created a business and a community at the same time. 

He focussed on his own personal health and fitness and created a blueprint for success that helped millions of people get started on the Internet. 

People paid him for his web hosting and internet services. It grew from there. 

He has created several millionaires and today owns several successful business operations which help thousands of people to enjoy the Internet Lifestyle.  Thousands of people pay to be part of his programs.

What makes him different than people?  He created a roadmap to building a 6 figure income which is why  I'm going to share his message with you so hopefully, you can learn how to build yours.  (Provide you want to of course)

I'm sure you realize that Chances Like This Do Not Come Around Everyday.

The chance to discover a home based job, build a business in a killer niche, and earn income online - one that pays up to 90% in residual commissions  are as 'rare as hen's teeth'! 

Right now, the opportunity is in the 'pre-launch' commonly are known as the leadership building phase. Its a time for foundation building, and finding the right people to build a team because at the heart of the blueprint for success lies a very generous and highly rewarding compensation which can ultimately provide awesome rewards.

Here's the Video link:

I highly recommend that you watch this - maybe even a couple of times - it's stacked with solid, valuable information.
[ Remember too that many people when asked, often say, "I wished I'd got into ..x,y,z, business when it was just gaining traction..." 
They refer to of course the period 1-2 years after actual start-up, through the early years of growth and experimentation (getting the systems 'right') and just before the 'main launch' when the general public get to learn about it and go crazy to get a piece of the action! ]
Kind regards
Frank Hamilton.JPG
Frank Heath
0064 21334569
Old Sayings..
      "Patience is a virtue, possess if you can. Always found in women but seldom in a man"  anon.
       "Anything worth having is worth working for
Make sure you watch the compensation plan :
I Invite you to join me too. there's several options:
  • Free Affiliate 
  • $1 - Trial then $19.97 per month
  • $50 per month 
  • ALL-In One-Time VIP (usually there's a special offer) 
Afterwards, if you care to chat or have questions let me know. I'm happy to help.
Is this THE Autoresponder that millions of marketers have been waiting for?
Published 03-07-2018


  The launch of send  will begin on March 7th 2018 .  This is going to be massive because has anyone in the Internet marketing community will tell you “everything starts to change when you build and market to your list”.

SendShark - “The money is in the list”.

Every single sale starts with a Lead. This is just true today as it was 30-40 years ago when people used a Rolodex or spreadsheet to keep track of customers and again when the internet began -20 years ago when email lists were born. The basic process sometimes referred to as ‘opting in’ or ‘permission marketing’  has not changed. It simply requires someone to exchange their contact details in return for information which could be important to them.

Gaining permission is just the first step of a simple process which allows you to follow up with that person, provide information, then engage with them to the point where they become a ‘Lead’.

Today, the industry has become so well automated it's absolutely essential to have a first-class Automation of this process in the form of an autoresponder and a superb lead capture system.

It doesn't matter what business you are in; whether you are a doctor, internet marketer, retail store, home-based business hairdresser, professional coach, service provider, dentist or mechanic every single sales process starts with getting a lead. It’s often regarded as the lifeblood of a business and given rise to a wide range of lead generation techniques designed to attract, measure and extract the very best results possible from the process.

So why is it important to have qualified leads?  It’s because this process has received so much attention of professional marketers over the years that we now know that a qualified lead is worth approximately $1 per month. Or, to put it another way, a list of say 100 qualified leads has a potential income of $100 per month, and a list of 1000 qualified leads has a potential of $1,000 a month. This very fact has led to coining of the popular phrase “The money is in the list” so, regardless of what business you are in, this is something worth remembering.

As someone who has worked as a local business mentor plus several years as an internet and network marketer on and offline, I've been astonished at the number of people business owners who do not actively grow, manage or market to a list of qualified customers.

When you have a list - even if they’re existing customers and you follow up with them using one technique or another, you begin nurturing your relationship with those customers - getting them to know, like, and trust you. This is essential because, as we all learn in life, people do business or hang out and seek the opinion of people they know like and trust when making decisions that affect them.

In business, applying this process effectively will ultimately provide a reliable list of people who can be regarded as qualified prospects, followers or downline members (in a network business) who could possibly convert and become a paid customer. Then, having established that have their trust and thus strengthened your relationship with them, in some cases you may even go on to make repeat purchases or become regular customers.But do you ‘own’ them? Will they always purchase from you in future?

How long will your relationship last? That dear friend calls for ’relationship management’ and ‘customer retention ‘ techniques.

People are creatures of habit and once they discover a ‘new’ service or product they like they will, for the most part, stick with it. Until they have a very huge, significant reason to change their buying patterns. (Sometimes this is referred to as ‘a disruptor’ so called because  it disturbs their status quo and raises sudden awareness of something less expensive or offers better advantages ).

To learn more….

She's LIVE right now ready for you to grab one of these accounts for yourself - Go For IT!


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