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Blog Making Money - Can You Do It?
Published 06-20-2017

A blog making money is a blog that is generally successful. While this isn't the focal point of many blogs, for some, it is a nice addition to their income and for the more successful, their only source of income and onee that allows them a well enough lifestly. For th most part, making money off blogs is a mystery to many people. Read on and you may discover another way for you to make money.

Before anything else, you need to be able to write fairly consistently and at a steady pace. Three or four entries a week does not seem like much at the start, but after awhile it can wear even the most devoted writers down. It is just lke any job, sometimes you get bored with it and you step out for a day or two, but the internet is a far more demanding ruler than many bosses. Nothing feels better than knowing you have a blog making money. When you have a sold and devoted following you can afford to miss one or two days. Some sites even go a month without updating, you need to be able to stick to it.

For those who open blogs based on products, you are in luck. You can probably get on the affliate bandwagon and make some money that way. Now, how does that work? It is fairly simple. Beeing an affiliate to a website basically means that you are advertising them on your website, either by having content related to the main website and linking to them or by showing their ads on your site. Payment is not like it is in other media industries though. The Internet's just a different field than television one that requires a different payment method.

Generally, the setup is a pay-per-blank, wherein the blank is something that changes from group to group when it comes to blog making money. Most people go for the pay per click variant, which means exactly what it suggests, payment only occurs once a viewer on you site clicks the link to their site. Another popular variant, one mostly for merchandise sites such as Amazon, is the pay-per-purchase variant.  A user needs to do more than simply browse through the numerous items available, them actually have to purchase something.

Payment for advertising for blog making money varies from group to group. Luckily the internet and thus the people you can meet in it is so wide that you will probably find someone or a group that wants to advertise or have you as an affiliate. Build a good site and the money will come.

The internet and blogging are not some magic words that you can use to instantly get ahead in the rat race. It just does not work that way. You still have to work hard and make a site that advertisers would actually be interested in, that can give real traffic to those who would make you and affiliate site. Work hard, put in the leg work and yours might be the blog making money.

Sharri Donahue is the Owner of Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cuttine edge newsletter. Check out CB Passive Income -



How New Websites Can Benefit From Joining Traffic Exchange Networks
Published 04-13-2017

   A traffic exchange network requires website members to browse other affiliated websites to earn credits. The more credits you get, the greater visibility or exposure you get with other members of the network. Membership is usually free, but those wanting paid accounts are accorded with privileges like better credit ratios. 


The Benefits of Joining a Traffic Exchange Network

Affordable:  Even paid accounts do not cost to much but if you really do not want to spend any money you can just sign up as a free member.

Easy to do:  As a member, all you have to do is just browse some sites and spend enough time on each and every one of them to understand what they have to offer.  The more sites you explore, the more pople will get to visit your website. It's a very simple mutual exchange. 

Get Credits from Referrals:  If you refer other people to the traffic exchange network, they can be made  a part of your downline. Then they earn credits, you get a percentage of credits from them. Soon you might no longer need to browse other sites since your referrals are doing the work for you getting credits.

Choose Your Ad:  Some traffic exchange networks allow you to select the ad you want to be viewed. This is a great way for you to test different ads to see which one is getting you the most clicks (traffic). 

Instant Exposure:  It is always hard at the start, building your reputation online from the bottom. Joining a traffic exchange gives you instant exposure with people who are unlikely to have known your website even existed.  You need to start somewhere and expose yourself and the program you are advertising.


Tips on Making Good Use Of Your Membership in Traffic Exchange Networks

  One of the biggest complaints traffic exchange networks are plagued with is the low-quality traffic it produces. With the way they work, you can not take steps to ensure that those viewing your website belong to your target market. Secondly, most people who are viewing your website might just be interested  in racking up credits. But since this is for free you are not in a position to argue. It is better to be productive and find a way to work around those disadvantages. Consider the following tips.

Tip#1   Join a well established traffic exchange. Try to find the ones who have the most members, and are active.

Tip#2   Join traffic exchanges that only allow manual browsing. With this there is a stronger chance that members will truly pay attention to what your website is marketing.

Tip#3   Choose Traffic exchanges that offer the best credit ratio. A 3:1 would mean that your website receives 1 visitor whenever you get to browse 3 websites.

Tip#4  Members are only required to browse just one page of your wesite. Make the most out of that.  Your content must be brief but compelling. Focus on getting their attention and convincing them to want to know more about your product. Do Not Sell Outright.  You do not have enough time for that. 


Hope these tips can help you with your Traffic Exchange experience.  wink


Sharri Donahue is the Owner of

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52 Week Money Saving Challenge My Journey
Published 04-09-2017

I do not know if you have ever heard of the 52 week money challenge. But I came across this on Facebook one day and decided I woud do this to save money for a little vacation for the family.

I started on January 5,2017.  As of today April 9, 2017 it has been 13 weeks. I have saved $91 dollars per the challenge.

I know that it does not sound life very much money now, but when I am finished with the challenge I will have $1378.00 saved up.

Here is how I started. I went to Google and typed in 52 Week Money Challenge and a got a graph of how much money you need to save per week. I then copied it and pasted it on a large manila envelope. From the graph I follow the weekly money amount to put in my envelope.

It has been an EASY way to Save Money, because the amount I put in weekly I usually have in my wallet.

I have put the picture of the graph here so you can follow along with the Challenge.

Remember to have fun with this and do it every week . You are saving for whatever you want. Easy Peasy.

Sharri Donahue is the Owner of  Check us out anytime for marketing tips and free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter. Check out Google Sniper3.0 >



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