Intiative Q Venture Research, Pat's Blog

Why Should You Join
Published 12-25-2018

The reason to join this is because there is no reason not to.

You only give up your name and some throw-a-way email account and in return you get a large amount of potentially valuable Q coins (digital currency).

It is considered to be a no-brainer; nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Don't over think this and look for reasons not to join.

You can contact me at anytime at

Best regards,

Patrick Moriarty

I have been earning income from the internet since 1995. Now that I am retired from the professional offline brick & mortar establishments I am ramping up my presence online. I invite one and all to join me in this Initiative Q Digital Currency Venture. The company started in June, 2018 and I joined on October 26, 2018. By November 11, 2018 I maxed out on my free rewards with my reserve Q coins totaling over 620,000. Educating with facts and research on this blog is my new goal.
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