Be Your Own Boss
When you get new customers to GetMyAds, you receive 12%, which is $6 for every Token your direct Customer Purchases from GetMyAds, as long as he stays active.
When your customer brings in more customers because he is convinced with GetMyAds, he will receive 12%, which is $6- commission and you will receive 12% as well, which is $6- commission for every Token that your indirect customers will purchase.
Beyond that there is also a Mentor Bonus, which is paid out to all affiliates, who actively support their team. The Mentor Bonus increases with activity as an affiliate and over time. It is a flexible Bonus, which is financed through a pool and its distributions are paid out according to the calculation.
Example: When you recruit 10 Customers, who purchase 10 Tokens each, you immediately receive a commission of $600,- and you can use that commission to purchase more Tokens for yourself or have it paid out to your bank account.
When your 10 customers would do the same, meaning they also find 10 customers each, who then purchase 10 Tokens each, you will receive $6000,- and shortly after you can expect your juicy Mentor Bonus, which can also be paid out directly to your bank account.