Maureen Charlton: Together We Learn+Earn

Awesome Adfabulous Friday With TE Command Post
Published 01-05-2018

So What Is Adfabulous Friday?

Adfabulous is a promotion run by TE Command Post.

Adfabulous offers everyone the opportunity to surf the TE's (Traffic Exchanges) for extra advertising credits and cash.

At the time of writing this blog post Adfabulous runs every Friday.

If you're not surfing then be sure to pop in your ads as lots of fresh eyes to see them.

To join in the Adfabulous promotion you first need to join TE Command Post and the participating sites.

It should be noted that these sites can change so you need to keep an eye out for this.

As a free member at TE Command post you can add ten URL's and change them when needed.

The sites I suggest you add in TE Command Post are the following:

Tezzers, Traffic-Splash, Farm Traffic, Dragon Surf

Click here to join all the above sites with speed.

You also need to enter your TE Command Post user id in the downline builder in each of the above sites.

Your next step is to open all the above sites in different tabs, then surf using the Quick Tab Change Keys.

The Quick Tab Change Keys vary depending on your browser and whether you are using a Windows environment or a Apple Mac PC.

Just search Quick Tab Change Keys in Google to see what's relevant to your own environment.

Hope you found the above information useful.

Remember to give me a shout out should you have any questions.


Maureen E Charlton

Facebook Maureen E Charlton
Twitter CharltonBennett
Linked In Maureen Charlton
Mobile (UK) +447930527797
Skype maureen.charlton.bennett

PS Remember to Commando Surf and the Adfabulous sites to get more for your clicks.  Work Smarter Not Harder!

Click here to open the latest Commando Surf sites.


Hi, I'm a great believer that good information is for sharing and I like helping people. I'm also a dog lover and enjoy water along with a little bit of gardening. Give me a shout out if you need any help whatsoever. Connect with me at all the other social sites mentioned on PFFA; look forward to getting to know you better!
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