My Online Income Programs

An Old Idea + A New Bitcoin Opportunity= A Full Wallet...
Published 06-19-2018

The launch has happened and people are making good money (Bitcoin).

If you have not joined us yet, you can join any time you like. 

If you missed my last email with the invite email, I will send again below.

Just follow the instructions and send out to your friends, family, and prospects.


 If you are Reading this, Congratulations …  You were on my Top 100 List.

 So this is the program I have been screaming from the rooftops about.

 A contact of mine sent me this special invite email recently (shown below) and I have visited the site it shares.  I have to say that the two videos there are quite compelling.

MyDigital6 launched

Explore The Road MapYour Guide to.. "How it Works" MD6 IS LAUNCHED! Be on the lookout for your official invite email or reach your inviter to get started Video #1: An Introduction & founder's mission statement Video #2: How MD6 works & how we earn bitcoin daily Anyone that intends to market t...

You may want to watch them to learn more about what people are doing to create large sums of bitcoin by receiving consistent "micro-payments" of anywhere from $1.00 to $6.00 all throughout the day to their own bitcoin wallet. 

 If you decide to do this, my email and bitcoin payment address is shown at position #1 below.

 You would begin mailing this same invite out with your name at #1, but not until you have collected all six of the MD6 “Product Reply” emails.

 Reach me if any questions,

 David Calderon

 …. So why are others so excited about this ?

 An absolutely brand new, first-of-its-kind bitcoin earner just released. There is no trading or binary in this amazing program.

No robots. No mining either.

This is not a matrix.
There are no levels, or pyramid design.
No mysterious middle man taking our funds and running. Completely legit & compliant with all country codes
Not an MLM either as a matter of fact.

So what is it then? It is a fusion of old world Chain Letter-
meeting high tech Social Platforms-meets word of mouth product referring. Earn daily bitcoin-paid directly to your own personal wallet/acct.

We simply refer our friends, family, and any other various contacts of ours to a simple "digital product hub" website that houses 6 products that they can buy directly from us. That’s right; we are granted full license to earn 100% commissions from every sale of these digital products.

Sounds pretty simple but not very rewarding right? WELL...

You will consistently see $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, and $6 dollar micro payments come directly into your own personal bitcoin acct (wherever that may be), throughout the day, every day.

You have NEVER seen anything like this!
Witness the power of exponential mathematics and sheer compounding growth in this, the most exciting launch since Bitcoin itself!
See the 2 explainer videos, all 6 product videos, instructions, and more at this Iceland-born website:
 Once you have learned more at the site and are ready, send me $1.00 in bitcoin to:

Member #1:


Note that it will take approx. 15 minutes or longer L for your transaction i.d. number to populate at your bitcoin provider. Once it does, copy it into the "product Request #1" email

(that you download from the site) and email it to me.

Once I verify your payment at my bitcoin provider, I will send you your "Product Reply #1" email within 30 hours (as required by the program). I’m usually a lot faster than that though.

Now repeat this buying process 5 more times starting with paying member #2 below $2.00 in bitcoin, member #3 $3.00, member #4 $4.00, etc.
See further instructions at:

Total investment for six new self-help and internet training products is $21.00 (one time..ever). Buying these products from the six of us members here grants you ownership of all six "Product Reply" emails (like the 1st one I'm soon to send you).

Once you have all six reply emails collected, you are ready to remove the 6th (the last) member here and move the rest of us members down to place yourself at the 1st position on this invite and mail away!! Note that I would then appear at the #2 position in your newly adjusted email and the member at the current #2 position below would drop to #3, and so on.

 Member# 2

pay $2.00 in btc to:


Member# 3:

pay $3.00 in btc to:


Member# 4:

 pay $4.00 in btc to:


 Member #5:

pay $5.00 in btc to:


Member #6:

pay $6.00 in btc to:


Remember to eliminate the 6th person after you pay them and Move the remaining 5 members down a number

(5 becomes 6, 4 then becomes 5, 3 becomes 4, etc.) so you can place yourself at number 1.

Reach me if any questions and welcome aboard MD6!

David Calderon

FULL VIDEO TRAINING ..   Coming Here Soon

Hello I am A Married Man of 50 Years I am also A Father of Four and A Grandfather of Six. I have Was A Chauffeur for Over 38 Plus Years and had My Own Limousine Business for 20 Years. I have also been in the Online Business for about 20 Years I have had some winning programs that I am still involve with and many that have come and gone. I am promoting A few Programs that I believe will change Everything for Me and You. Take A look and see for Yourself!
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