Keys To The Kingdom

Why Network Marketing Is A Great Idea
Published 02-07-2020

Jim Rohn, one of the best network marketing millionaires of all time, said “Work hard at your job and you can make a living, work hard on yourself and you can make a fortune.”

He’s also well known for saying “I’m working full-time on my job and part time on my fortune. But it won’t be long before I’m working full-time on my fortune. . . can you imagine what my life will look like?”

Are you tired of trading time for less money than you're worth? Tired of living with no chance of leverage and little (if any) potentialof advancement? Or maybe you just have bigger plans for you and your family and all you need is to find the right way financially.

A smart person looks at all the relevant information before they make their mind up. So put on your thinking cap (as they say in school) and block out every hater in your mind who are probably living paycheck to paycheck anyway and complain and complain about everything.

Network Marketing has an interesting domino effect on the lives of those around you.

Your success will help improve the lives of many, many people. Network Marketing is a large-scale avenue to add something positive to the lives of your family, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers.

Here a few ways that success in this industry helps you improve the lives of others.

  • Financially: The obvious here is that you provide and teach the framework and leadership to help others totally transform their financial world. But there’s more to it. Success means you have more resources, so you can give more (to your family, church, a worthy cause, etc.)
  • Physically: My team and I promote health and nutritional and traffic products. The majority of the world is putting garbage in their bodies on a daily basis. It’s wreaking havoc on our physical well being. Working out and natural, high quality products and supplements can help slow down, stop, or even reverse some of that damage.  
  • Emotionally: People are hurting. Hurting people… hurt people. We live in a world cursed full of hopelessness. I used to kill myself working long hours until cancer taught my to think differently. Network Marketing  has given me hope and a totally different outlook on life.
  • Spiritually: Youre helping people improve their lives and their faith and hopefully helping the people that need it the most in your church and or community.

If you do decide to go down this road, make sure you make a commitment to yourself and show up everyday. Show up like you have something to prove. Your family will love you for it. Show up like you’ve never shown up to anything else in your life.

Don’t dabble. Go all in.


Tom Wallace


Teacher, football coach, online marketer and cancer survivor. "You can have everything in life, if you help enough people get what they want." -Zig Zigler
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