Sharri Donahue's Blog

52 Week Money Saving Challenge My Journey
Published 04-09-2017

I do not know if you have ever heard of the 52 week money challenge. But I came across this on Facebook one day and decided I woud do this to save money for a little vacation for the family.

I started on January 5,2017.  As of today April 9, 2017 it has been 13 weeks. I have saved $91 dollars per the challenge.

I know that it does not sound life very much money now, but when I am finished with the challenge I will have $1378.00 saved up.

Here is how I started. I went to Google and typed in 52 Week Money Challenge and a got a graph of how much money you need to save per week. I then copied it and pasted it on a large manila envelope. From the graph I follow the weekly money amount to put in my envelope.

It has been an EASY way to Save Money, because the amount I put in weekly I usually have in my wallet.

I have put the picture of the graph here so you can follow along with the Challenge.

Remember to have fun with this and do it every week . You are saving for whatever you want. Easy Peasy.

Sharri Donahue is the Owner of  Check us out anytime for marketing tips and free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter. Check out Google Sniper3.0 >



I am retired and working from home on the internet and loving it. Have been married to the same man for 35 years. We enjoy traveling and hiking with our 2 dogs. Just having fun!
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