The PLACEBO Effect
Published 05-15-2021


What you believe is what is accepted by your mind,

you have the power to deny or accept that which you hear.

How you believe   When to believe


Your words have power to create, and they also have power to destroy, so mind the words you say to others

Don't Quit, Don't Stop, Do SOMETHING - TAKE ACTION!!!!

Whatever it is that you want to do, you must have LOVE & PASSION behind it, or else you will do things that you hate.

The most successful people on this planet have these 3 things that made them what they are LOVE, PASSION and DESIRE!!!

You must take a stand DECIDE today what you are going after and don't stop until you attain that thing.


More to come stay tuned.....





Native New Yorker with Latin Heritage, I'm a Parent of 4 great children, Married, Also a Netpreneur, Lifestyle Coach and Network Marketing Professional. Aiming to have a successful home based business, and providing ways to help newbies have success in online ventures. Also a Mentor with a Servants Heart
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