Are We Rich Yet? Blog with Jermine

The money's in the... List - My Lead Gen Secret
Published 02-04-2022

My LeadGenSecret has had many reviews, but few ever really provide the nuts and bolts of what is really available from this giant.

Having personally been a member since June 2017 I've found it to be a massive asset to my online activities.

How it works is quite simple:

First off it is a mega lead provision system that has it's own in-house mailing facilities where you set-up and email your gained leads, allowing multiple formats.

When people first join they are allocated 100 permission-based leads a day, 98% of which are US based. These are unique and solely the property of that member.

These can be emailed to daily, either by using the in-house facility, which I recommend, or they can be downloaded to a PC for emailing using an alternative method.

Members also gain access to the MLGS pre-created emails with which they can use to send out emails to their new list (using just a couple of clicks), to create new referrals within their MLGS.

Once a member has a new referral they instantly then gain 200 leads a day (every 24hrs), 200 is the maximum amount of leads a member can gain a day, but for every referral they introduce they also get a $5 monthly commission for.

On top of that, if a member introduces 5 new members in any 5 day period they will also get a $100 bonus as well as the commissions.

The leads grow pretty quickly, and the extent for which they can be used is almost endless. Members are not obligated in any way to use them to promote the MLGS system, but it is a great way to create a growing residual income for anyone that doesn't already have an alternative business, system, or offer to promote.

So, in the first month of membership a member will get 3000 leads alone, or 6000 even if they have just one referral. And, they can email all 3000/6000 every day, but on the 31st day it will be either 3100, or 6200, available to email.

The cost of these leads? Just $1 a day! Get just 6 referrals and they cost nothing.

Is it difficult to get referrals? Some members promote nothing else apart from MyLeadGenSecret, and believe it or not there are many that are making quite a good living from this activity alone.

Do that for just one year and a member will be emailing 72,000 leads a day.

As I said, I've personally been a member since June 2019, and to say that the results I get from emailing my own MLGS list is crazy would be an understatement. The point I'm trying to make here is not to brag, but to express that those two and half years have flown by.

One of the best things is that members are absolutely not tied into promoting just MLGS, they can promote pretty much anything they wish. (as long as it is ethical and legal).

If there was a downside, it would probably be I've not found one yet, apart from to say that miracles don't happen overnight, but sticking with it can give a member that ability to change many things. The website always looks to me to be a little less than it should be in terms of style for the caliber business system that MLGS is, but maybe that's just me being picky.

Jim Harmon, the owner is open and honest and offers some great in-house facilities to make using MLGS a real breeze to anyone at any level, including full video tutorials.

Finally: I've used many online systems for online promotion and profit and I can say with ease that MyLeadGenSecret would be one of the highest selections on my list. I certainly wouldn't be without it. Gets 5 stars plus from me.

Jermine Gaskins



I Focus On Lead Generation And List Building... I learned that no matter what your product or service is... you have to get eyeballs on your offers on consistent basis to see growth.
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