My Online Income Programs

My, my, my, aye-aye, woo! M-m-m-my Sotam!
Published 07-07-2017

Hello Fellow Marketer,

Ok, that subject line was a playful comparison to the song
My Sharona from The Knack.

What's that got to do with SOTAM? Nothing, but it's good
to be silly and not take yourself so serious all the time.

That being said, what is a serious matter is getting your
promotional ads viewed so you can build an online
business. State-Of-The-Art-Mailer, aka SOTAM, helps
you do that.

Check out these serious numbers....

- Over 30,000 members
- Operating for nearly 5 years now
- NEVER a missed payment during that time
- Over 1 billion emails sent since launch
- Over 1/4 of million in commissions earned by members
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The Numbers Don't Lie!

If you've been living under a rock and haven't joined SOTAM
yet, why not? Do so now!


Hello I am A Married Man of 50 Years I am also A Father of Four and A Grandfather of Six. I have Was A Chauffeur for Over 38 Plus Years and had My Own Limousine Business for 20 Years. I have also been in the Online Business for about 20 Years I have had some winning programs that I am still involve with and many that have come and gone. I am promoting A few Programs that I believe will change Everything for Me and You. Take A look and see for Yourself!
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