Work From Home Profits Blog With Wolf Z

How to kiss your deal goodbye
Published 07-26-2017

I can't tell you how many times in my life as a salesperson I have had my prospects tell me that they like my offer but that before they would buy they needed to "run it by" someone else.  Generally those deals always failed.  Why?  Because it's the friend, relative that always kills the deal. They have no vision from the perspective of the potential buyer, thus they almost always are pessimistic, overly cautious, distrusting.  That is generally the "dream killer."  Many dreams are snuffed out before they ever get started.

Because of that, whenever I have made major decisions, I have made them only with my wife.  Sometimes I have not made those decisions because I trust my wife's judgment.  Other times my wife has gone with me to presentations where I knew I would have to make a major decision.  She even admitted that she went with me to "protect me" from making an uwise decision.  Well, as it workerd out, we both  had the same dream and we both acted on the same information.  We kept that dream going by taking action with the information we purchased.

The bottom line is that if you are going to make an offer, then only make it directly to the ones who can say yes.  If a spouse is absent then don't go ahead anyway, unless you just want to practice your presentation! 


My name is Wolf Zappe. I have been in sales and marketing all my life. I love the freedom that working for myself offers. I also love to help others make money from their own homes like I do. The internet is changing, and that provides opportunity for those who see the trends. Currently smartphones outsell PC's and Laptops by 12:1. The era of Web 3.0 is now moving to a "technology exponential phase." My main marketing is focusing on those trends.
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