Make Money Online With Larry

5 Lessons I Learned From Email Marketing...
Published 08-24-2018

5 Lessons I Learned From Email Marketing...

Look, there are a lot of ways to get traffic to your website or offer.  None of them are cheaper or more effective than email.  That’s the bottom line.

This is the most efficient, cheapest, and most effective form of advertising on the internet...and probably the world period.

That being said here are 5 things I have learned from email marketing over the past few years that will help you absolutely, positively, crush it:

1.    GET TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER - Don’t bother with names and quant “personalized” introductions.  You’re not fooling anyone.  Everybody gets that you sent that email out to a bunch of people.  Instead get right into the content of what you are going to say.  This works much better and makes you come across as less spammy.
2.    BUTTONS - Using buttons in your emails will increase click through rates.  Using button colors red and black are the most effective.
3.    FONT SIZE - Use a nice big font for your emails.  Size 18 to 20 are extremely effective for me currently and produce a nice big email for people to read without straining their eyes.  YOu have to remember more and more people are reading their email on mobile devices.
4.    HIT THEM IN THE MOUTH - Use your subject line to “hit them in the mouth” then use the content in your email to explain why you did it.  What I mean by that is you have to get their attention.  And then once you have their attention you have to make them glad they took notice.  So take care with your subject lines to make sure they create impact.  The name of the game is impact.  What works really well is the insinuation of education or the insinuation of something negative.
5.    REPEAT SUBJECT LINE - It is worth noting that click through rates test much higher on emails that repeat the subject line with the first line in their email.  This works really well because it keeps the content of your email very congruent with “the reason” they opened it in the first place.

That’s 5 great ones and that is where I’ll end it today.  Hope this has been helpful to you and I’ll see you in the next one with more great insight on the power of email as we continue our email marketing series!

Larry Ellner has a history of successful marketing ventures VP and Director of Sales and Marketing at Flair-Fold Inc Owned his own Real Estate Acquisition and Management Firm. Principal in a Small Merger and Acquisition Firm. Larry now runs an Online Consulting and Coaching Service and writes extensively in the Internet Marketing areas. Visit and and arrange a Free 30 minute Free Consultation
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