Keys To The Kingdom

Fitness Tips 11 Through 20
Published 02-25-2020

11. Stay away from sodas and sweetened drinks.

Many people are so fond of drinking sodas and sweetened drinks. If you are one of
them, then this practice may very well be one of the reasons why you have gained lots
of weight. Thus, it is time to cut down your consumption of such drinks. Sodas taste
sweet because they are filled with sugar, which would only load your body up with more
calories; and, that is not a good idea.

12. Choose fresh fruits instead of fruit drinks.

You may be thinking that drinking fruit juices is a healthy practice. Although it is better
than drinking sodas, such juices may still contain extra calories, especially if they have
been processed. Thus, it is far better to eat fresh fruits than drinking fruit juices, since
they contain more vitamins, aside from the fact that they can also provide you with fiber.

13. Eat more food items that contain water.

Food items like watermelons and tomatoes are filled with water. Thus, you should
include them into your daily diet, since they would make you feel fuller, without putting
yourself at risk to gaining more pounds. On top of that, most of these foods are also
filled with dietary fiber, which your body also needs in order to lose weight.

14. Eat more vegetables to eat less.

When you are eating more vegetables you would actually be eating lesser amounts of
foods. This is because vegetables are loaded with fiber. Fiber can actually make you
feel full longer, since it prolongs the digestion process. Thus, it would suppress your
appetite, and pave the way to losing weight.

15. Think before you eat.

Whenever you are at the dining table, do not base your decisions on your instinct,
especially when it comes to choosing the food items to eat. This is because your instinct
may normally tell you to eat everything in sight, especially if you are really hungry.
Before you put something on your plate, you should think first, if it is something that you
really need or not.

16. Go easy on sweet things.

Sweet things like chocolates, cakes, and candies can be tempting to eat, especially
when they are presented very well. Before you put them inside your mouth though, you
should remind yourself that they taste sweet, since they are loaded with extra calories.
Thus, minimize your consumption on such things, so that you won’t gain more weight.

17. Eat only on times when you need to.

If you feel the need to open up your refrigerator and grab something to eat, you should
think first, whether it is time for your snack or not. If it is not, try to drink a glass of water
first, since there are times when your body would mistaken thirst as hunger. If you really
need to grab a snack though, make sure that it is something healthy.

18. The best snack items.

When you snack between meals, it is wise if you also become conscious not just on
your food portions, but also on the types of foods you eat. The best types of foods for
your snacks would be fruits and vegetables. Munching on carrots or an apple would not
just help in maintaining your health, but it would also control your appetite for the
coming meal.

19. Drinking coffee.

Some people think that drinking coffee is a bad idea, especially when a person is trying
to lose weight. On the contrary, drinking hot coffee at breakfast is actually a good idea,                                                                                                              since it can help in boosting your energy levels. Just don’t drink coffee shakes in coffee
shops too often though, since they are filled with lots of calories that can make you gain

20. Stay away from foods that have been fried.

Fried foods are called as such, since they are cooked either in fat or oil. Thus, the more
amounts of fried foods you consume, the more oil your body would absorb. Keep in
mind that even when the external oil has already been drained, there are still lots of it
that remain in the food itself.

Teacher, football coach, online marketer and cancer survivor. "You can have everything in life, if you help enough people get what they want." -Zig Zigler
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