Keys To The Kingdom

Even Though I'm Overweight - Can I still be considered healthy?
Published 06-24-2020

You can be overweight and still be relatively fit. But it depends if the extra weight you carry is muscle or fat. If the extra pounds are muscle, your risk of disease is lower than if this weight was fat. Take a look at many football players.  They're bigger, but even most players including the fast and athletic players couldn't pass a BMI test.  But, i f your extra weight is fat, you are at increased risk of diabetes, cancer and stroke — even if you exercise.

However, this doesn't mean you're not benefiting from exercise if you're overweight or obese. You are. Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of certain diseases. However, your weight is also important to your health. For example, if you're overweight or obese, you can reduce your risk of heart disease if you exercise — but you're still at increased risk of diabetes if you don't lose weight. Also, carrying extra pounds into your 40s and 50s may put you at increased risk of developing diabetes and heart disease later in life — even if you have no other risk factors for these diseases.

Still, it's important to remember that the number on the scale isn't the whole key to your fitness. Even thin people are at increased risk of heart disease if they're not active. The exercise you're doing helps improve your overall health. So keep it up.

Regular physical activity is an essential component to maintaining muscle and a healthy weight. Health experts recommend at least 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity activity five or more days a week. To lose weight, increase the duration and intensity of your exercise, eat a healthy diet and cut back on your portions.


Teacher, football coach, online marketer and cancer survivor. "You can have everything in life, if you help enough people get what they want." -Zig Zigler
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