Keys To The Kingdom
Those of you that need people to look at your websites to see what you have to offer will enjoy taking a look at how I send millions of emails each and every month and not spend a small or large fortune:) Yes, you're right, I learned the hard way by spending a large fortune on traffic:(
Here are the sites I use:
1. You Can Reach Everyone: You can email daily to at least 15,ooo people a day.
2. Herculist Plus You can email over 95,000 wonderful people DAILY:)
3. Organic Prospects (You get 70 -140 Leads Very Single Day.) Email Every Day. Over 20,000 leads a year!
4. Profit From Free Ads. Incredible biz starting at $17 a month. Email to 45,000 plus every other day
5. List Leverage and Traffic Authority Let one lead turn into thousands with the work of other people:).
6. Kule Blaster Email over 425,000 Daily Awesome Traffic with this one!
7. Oodles of traffic Email 3000 members every other day. Incredible amount of traffic with their system. INCREDIBLE
8. Never Ending Traffic 4U They do almost all of the work. Need I say more. INCREDIBLE TRAFFIC!!!
9. My Lead Gen Secret (You Get 100-200 Leads Every Single Day. Email Every Day .Over 30,000 leads a year!
Autoresponders that I like: Some of these have a free trial. All of these are very economical.
Here's how you can make a lot of money and not spend too much money. Or for that matter spend more than 15 minutes a day: You can make 5 to 10 thousand or more a month in about 6 months. Some do it in a month, some in a year... you get the idea. Most join the first three as soon as they can. They join for the traffic. In one month's time you are emailing over 50,000 people without paying for a auto responder! NICE, NICE, NICE
1. Join Profit From Free Ads: Profit From Free Ads. Incredible biz starting at $17 a month. Email to 45,000 plus every other day.
2. Join Organic Prospects (You get 70 -140 Leads Very Single Day.) Email Every Day. Over 20,000 leads a year! Start emailing your prospects about Profit From Free Ads.
3. Join My Lead Gen Secret (You Get 100-200 Leads Every Single Day. Email Every Day .Over 30,000 leads a year! Start emailing these prospects about Profit From Free Ads.
4. Join List Leverage and Traffic Authority
Now, after joining the first three you have by the end of your first month over 50, 000 people to email about these three businesses and how to make money. If you need emails I can give you some. It's not hard and takes about 15 minutes a day. You can also copy this and make it your own. Change anything you like on it.
After 3 to 5 people join your team, I will show you the next steps to start making serious money. DUPLICATION, DUPLICATION, DUPLICATION. The fun part is you're only spending about 15 minutes a day using Profit From Free Ads, Organic Prospects and My Lead Gen Secret emailing your new contacts about how they can make money with our easy system.
They will just join the next set of businesses starting with List Leverage and Traffic Authority under you and start making money with you. SIMPLE, SIMPLE, SIMPLE and so much fun. There's no telling how much money you could make..... $100,000 a month or more is possible. Everyone only needs to advertise the first three businesses:) The rest will just build by your team joining them.
Thank you for reading.
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