Are We Rich Yet? Blog with Jane

Entry Into the 95% Club is Stroy
Published 05-31-2017

Entry Into the 95% Club is Stroy

Hi [fname]

True Story...

The phone rang yesterday

Someone wanted to spend 12.50 to put
an ad up on one of our sites.

She told me she had three sites she
wanted to advertise and could she
do that for 12.50.

I like to lead people to their own
conclusions, rather than mine, so I
asked her...

"What other ways do advertise?"

"None", she replied.

"Mostly I join sites for free and put
text ads up, she continued."

"How long have you been doing that?" I proded.

"Well, I just started on the net about
four months ago"

I interupted, "Have you made any money?"

"No" she replied.

"Would you stay at a job for four months
where noone paid you, I continued."

"Nope!" she answered, getting a bit frustrated.

" Is your placing of free ads all over
the net working for you?" I asked again.

"I guess not" She replied, reluctantly.

I then took about 10 minutes, on the phone,
giving my favorite "sermon" about planning
a business and putting aside enough dough to
invest in your business and spending that
dough on the only thing that counts and
that is accessing lists, your own and other
peoples lists.

Woven into the conversation were all the
usual excuses.

But... I don't have the mon..ey
I dont' have the time
I don't know how to write an ad
I don't know how to use a mailer
I don't know how to build a list.

The conversation ended as many do.

I told her not to waste her 12.50 but
save it until she had at least 200 to
invest in her business for advertising
and I told her to start with lists-
lots of lists.

I hung up knowing that I what I had
said would probably fall on deaf ears.

It falls about 95% on deaf ears.

95% of people who try to start a business
on the net fail.

Those are daunting numbers and, totally
unnecessary numbers, but they are true.

Those numbers could change in a nano second
if only people would take the time to
listen and learn.

Imagine if my caller, yesterday, had spent
four month joining lists and using them
instead of putting up text ads for
for fr-ee or for 12.50.

I think I succeeded, yesterday, in one thing
and that was talking myself out of 12.50:)

I have no clue if I succeeded in getting
just one person closer to understanding how
to make mo..ney on the net. The verdict is
still out.

It's enough to make one scream:)

If you want to make mo..ney on the net...

Join lists, Join contact lists. Join
them as an upgraded member so you can
get the highest benefit from those lists
and reach the most people.

Those are 33 words.

I think they are pretty clear.
I say them all the time.

If you follow them, you will make mon..ey
If you don't, join the 95 percenters club.

The entry to the 95% club is fr-ee
Lots of people join it.

Do you want to be one of them?

Here is the 5% solution
Get your hands on:

All Your Lists in One Place.

These are the exact lists that I use
to make a 7 figure income year in and
year out on the net. Recession or no

Join every list in there.

You will find the lists that I use
both in my ebook and, more importantly,
in the members area of

All Your lists in one place

If you want to drop your membership
in the 95% club, here is the way you
do it.

Once you purchase you will find a
Fr-ee Mail Daily executive membership
waiting for you in the members area

You will make your dough back in
a heartbeat over and over again

50% comm-issions pa-id weekly

Jane Mark
Sokule Inc

PS: When you mail to lists, make sure
you are using a capture page to get people
onto your own list.

You can do that the easy way right here




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