Are We Rich Yet? Blog with Jane

Your marriage is not dead. It just went to sleep.
Published 02-19-2019


Your marriage is not dead. It just went to sleep.

Say no to divorce, and rebuild the strong,
intimate marriage you've always wanted -
even if your spouse doesn't seem the
slightest bit interested.


See how at


I don't love you anymore. I want a divorce.


No matter which spouse says these soul
killing words they drop like an industrial
hammer on a delicate flower bed.


Anguish, agony, fear, and anger course
though every vein in your body and you feel
like screaming.


How did this happen?


Why did it happen?


What did I do wrong?


And the tears flow down your cheeks like
a raging river crashing over the rapids.


It hurts.

It hurts a lot.

You feel empty and helpless.


But your story does not have to grind to  a halt.


What if I told you that this could be the
beginning of a vibrant, fresh, exciting,
and truly intimate relationship with
your spouse.


You'd like that, wouldn't you?


See how at


You see your spouse may not even want a
divorce. They may have no idea how to
express their needs to you in a way that
does not make you or them feel guilty.


Many marriage problems are caused by poor
communication and feeling guilty when you
attempt to express what you need to
someone you love.


We wrongly think if they loved me they
should know what I need. I shouldn't have
to tell my spouse.


That might be true if your spouse was born
with the gift of reading minds.


But most of us don't possess that gift
and good communication is a skill we
are not born with either.


We must learn how to communicate without
blame, fear of rejection, or criticism.


We must master the language of love.


So if you want to revive the fire of
hope and intimacy in your relationship
again go to this site -


It's the best gift I can pass on to you.


Harvey Korbelik


Keywords Tag : ,Discover the Truth,Cut through the lies,Rebuild a strong Marriage,A success story,A Marriage Success Story

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