Are We Rich Yet? Blog with Jane

Launching Globally, Grab your slice of BIX's advertising action.
Published 05-30-2020


Launching Globally, Grab your slice of BIX's advertising action.



Here's your chance to get in early and have your advertising stand out and get noticed by passionate and highly active users on the fast-growing Markethive network of sites. 


The platform is called BIX (Banner Impressions eXchange) and it is your shot at generating real revenue for your offers from banner placements that earn millions of impressions each month.  BIX is a part of MarketHive, and as such you need to create a free MarketHive account to access it and purchase impressions.


You will be able to connect with entrepreneurs, techies, crypto nerds, artists, innovators, musicians, professionals, and more via your BIX Advertising Impressions.


Markethive provides a valuable inbound marketing platform, commerce portals, and a social network where users can learn, engage, expand markets, and be introduced to trusted providers. 


Imagine having your website shown to thousands of potential customers daily via large, visually powerful 960 x 80 banner ads displayed across the top of all network pages.


The price you pay is based on the marketplace, demand, availability of impressions, and how effective the advertising is. 


Grab first-mover advantage by being one of the first to advertise your product or service across the Markethive network of sites now, by clicking the link to create your free MarketHive account, and that gives you access to BIX and to purchase impressions.


Signup here:


You'll be very glad you moved early on this.


Yours for success,


Neal Brown,


The Neal and Janet Brown Family Trust 


P.S. Act now while BIX is still new, so you can be one of the first to use the new system. Join Markethive now, so you can gain access to BIX and buy your first batch of impressions today.


Keywords Tag : Advertising,Advertising Made Easy,Top Ten Biz Opps,Top Ten Home Biz,affiliate marketing websites,advertising with clout

We Have been Providing Online Advertising Services for Businesses for the past 17 Years. We can change the way your story ends.
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