Are We Rich Yet? Blog with Jane

Why compete for keywords when you can own them?
Published 11-02-2020


Why compete for keywords when you can own them?



If you've been looking for a way to get more exposure for your offers,
I want to show you a site that is simple and effective.


If you have ever used keywords in your advertising,
you know how powerful they can be. People use keywords
every day to find products, services, and solutions
to their problems.


But if you are selling something, what good is a keyword
if someone can steal it from you or outbid you for it?


At Frontpage Mail, you can own the keywords you buy forever,
and most are as low as $1.00 each. But, you'll need to be quick,
as popular words and phrases are selling fast and they cost a bit more.


Grab your account now. You'll be glad you did.


Here's what happens when you signup and upgrade today.


Let's say you are promoting a site that is an affiliate marketing site.
You just bought the keywords or keyword phrases, "affiliate marketing,"
"affiliate promotion," "tips for resellers," "how to sell more affiliate
products," "marketing," "affiliates," "resellers," "commissions."


You log in and go to the menu item, KEYWORDS - Link My Website -
and connect your keywords to your website.


When anyone searches on any term, your website appears in the top
position on our search results page.


But keywords are just the start.


There are three powerful mailers in FrontPage Mail that you can use,
and you can connect your keywords to each mailer so that when users
search on your keywords, ZAP, your website shoots straight to the
top of the results page.


You also get text and banner ads and loads of ad-credits.


Plus, you can earn up to 40% commission when you sell
FrontPage Mail memberships.


Grab your account now. You'll be glad you did.


Helen Gunter
Happy FPM member.

Keywords Tag : 1 Click Submit at Front Page Mail,Buy Keywords at Front Page Mail,Front Page,Front Page Keywords,Front Page Mail

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