Are We Rich Yet? Blog with Jane

What's For Dinner and Can You Afford It
Published 06-11-2017

What's For Dinner and Can You Afford It

I took a deep breath and gulped the other day when I saw that eggs in New York City were selling for as much as $4.49 a dozen.

They must be golden I thought to myself.  Who would spend 4.49 on a dozen Eggs?

Then I checked out the price in my Summer Home in Illinois. The price was only a bit better- 3.39 a dozen.

I remember  when eggs were 99 cents a dozen and that was not all that long ago.

It is hard enough to afford breakfast these days let alone lunch and dinner.

Perhaps we should all cut back to 2 meals a days or raise our own chickens in a NY Apartment.

Things are not easy for many people.

So what does one do when the walls begin to close in around you- when life gets harder not easier and the promise of a better tomorrow seems like last years out of date hit song...

Find another way.

I am big believer in finding another way-figuring out a work around that works for you.

You need to start with a few  ingredients  order to craft a good work around.

Start with a bit of risk taking.
Add in a firm belief in yourself that you can do this.
Sprinkle it with a dollop of creativity.
Finish it off by never quitting.

This is the recipe for success.

Point your North Star towards steak and it's sizzle and you will find it has more taste and then the chicken or the egg.

So the question should be for each of us not What's For Dinner and Can I afford it...

The quetion shoud be what can I do now to make everything I want affordable?

Start with something for free and work your way up the ladder.

I will give you 70,000 free advertising credits when you sign up under my link today. (Value 350.00).

How you use these FREE  credits to climb your own ladder of success will make all the difference.

The ingredients are all there.  All you need to do is to put them together-Scramble them to suit your own goals.

My goal is to make it so you never have to ask again...

What's for Dinner and Can I Afford it?

Jane Mark is President of JAM Marketing Inc.  She is an author, a musician, a businesswoman, an entreprenuer, a mother, a grandmother
and a pretty good cook.

If you would like to watch her cooking up a stew at Profit From Free Ads, Go here to see how Free Can Make You A Fortune






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