Make My Day

Word Of Mouth Marketing Isn't Dead - It's Found A new Home!
Published 03-01-2018

I have an old Tee shirt printed with the following message..."ROCK is NOT Dead..It's just Lost!"  I mention this because just recently, I heard about something called,  the"Local Marketing Blueprint"  and, when I looked into it, I realized that just like "ROCK" (on my tee shirt) to be 'lost',  so too is the noble skill of "Word of mouth marketing' and that, I found to be fascinating.

I had to investigate further and what I discovered is quite a remarkable new tool recently introduced to the amazing Now business opportunity.

When you consider there's an awful lot of people looking for work these days, many of whom have the ability to work from home or to work online using Facebook or other social media, any opportunity to grab another source of income by simply talking with local neighbours and local people has to worthy of some further investigation.

Perhaps the really great news I discovered about the Local Event Marketing Blueprint is that fact that no experience is necessary really to organize and run a local event. This is because, as any experienced network marketer will tell you, this style of marketing Involves meeting people face to face at local meetings, social gatherings, school meetings etc. Which is one of the best ways to build a for business?  It's based on a familiar strategy often referred to as ‘word of mouth marketing. All it requires is for one person to pass the information to another about something or someone they know, like and trust or an excellent, reliable service they receive and they will tell others.  A popular example would be where you always eat at a certain restaurant because the food is always perfectly cooked and presented and you come away feeling like you’ve enjoyed something of great value. Another example - that of sharing your own positive review of what you consider to be a ‘great movie’ with a close friend. Because it is YOU expressing Your opinion and they value your opinion - they’re more like to go see the movie than if they overheard someone else discussing the same movie.

Now Joel therein had the idea to create a local marketing event at his Corporate offices in Texas and set about contacting local people using a Facebook page and other social media plus flyers, and simple email notifications.

The first event was carried out on a Saturday afternoon they had more than 60 people turned up and I believe sold more than $5,000 worth of product Not bad for an afternoon’s work!

Because of the success that Joel had with this first event, he decided to use it as a template, a model for other members of his business to emulate and so he put together a special program called the Local Marketing Blueprint consisting of several modules.


In module 1 Joel recognized is the fact that the internet doesn't really cater for the “belly to belly” style of marketing that often occurs as people go about their daily life talking about general matters of common interest and Joel kicks the program off by discussing the ‘secret science’ of Now that really works….

The 7-minute workout program Joel has developed which can produce a high level of Fitness in a very short period of time. He explains how anyone can achieve this by exercising for 7-10 minutes, three times a week over a cycle of 10 days.

On a personal note, since learning this,I’ve discovered that many local business people whom I’ve shared this method with think its a great idea because they find a local Gym membership to be expensive, takes far too much of their spare time or they get sick of the travel time involved in getting there -especially when they have to endure sitting in heavy traffic.

In Module 2 Joel talks about the three ‘myths and lies’ about weight loss and in Module 3 he discusses why you crave sugar and how to feel full and satisfied all the time and why the secret to losing weight is so simple in principle but so hard to do.

He continues in Module 4  still discussing why you crave sugar and how you can feel full and satisfied all the time by adopting a different style of eating habits.

Module 5 is about how Facebook marketing lies at the heart of Joel’s Local Marketing Blueprint course and Module 6 Joel explains how to become a true leader. “Facebook marketing is a great way to magnetically attract people to you,” Joel says and offers some very well proven facts on this including how to set up a Facebook fan page.

In Module 7 He also discusses and shows evidence of how a fan page can provide massive benefits to anyone in business and elaborates even further on this in Module 8 when he demonstrates exactly how the NLS corporate team run the Now Lifestyle ads on Facebook.

In Module 9 Joel discusses why you can get great results just by taking’ massive imperfect action’  and Just Do It”!  “You share some practical advice born out of your own experience. People often find value in listening - even to people who apparently have no previous experience of Network Marketing”.

Now in addition to this fast-moving, concise modules, most of which are video-based or PowerPoint, there are several attachments and PDFs on specific topics such as the actual Facebook Blueprint document itself, valuable notes on creating and managing local events including things to consider in downloadable, PDF format.


  • “How to boost your metabolism”  a PDF full of interesting notes.
  • “How to run and now lifestyle local event and other things you need to consider when running a local event and then
  • A full presentation (andPDF) giving a fuller introduction to the world of Now Lifestyle, its products, it's pay and Compensation Plan.

All in all, this is a great product and represents truly fantastic value.

One of the greatest items of interest to me is the fact that Joel and his team offers the full support and services from their head office to help notify people in your local area when you run an event.

Once you’ve developed a work plan and date and start putting the message on social media, all you need to do is contact the head office support team and they will find a way to notify local residents by social media or email about your event and help to drive traffic to it.

All this for a remarkable Low Price startup. What a way to kick off a new business in a local area or region.

Finally, I have to say that in reviewing this product I would consider it to be the best way for anyone (with or without online marketing experience) to be able to join Now Lifestyle and confidently set about growing a new business running an event with local people using ‘belly to belly’ and ‘face to face’.

It’s a great initiative to either start or grows a business in the health and wellness industry.

Fireball Marketing: Leader -trainer-coach - Auckland, New Zealand. Providing affordable state-of-the-art solutions to showcase business, products and services on Facebook; make money online, tips and tactics sales funnels for lead acquisition. People who want to learn how to market or make money online, business owners, professionals, clubs, organizations, entrepreneurs, educators etc. Maverick Elite with Helping other make money online
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