Are We Rich Yet? Blog with Jane

Having Your Own Website Increases Your Affiliate Sales...
Published 04-28-2018


Having Your Own Website Increases Your Affiliate Sales...


If you are an affiliate marketer and you don't
have your own website to promote your affiliate
links from, chances are you are losing sales
BIG time!


Top affiliate marketers all promote products from
their own websites and domains.


You've seen them before.


Domains that look like...


Here's why they do this...


  1. They can use their domain to get organic traffic    from Google. Search engines.
  2.  It increases their level of authority online and    people buy more easily from those they perceive    as authority figures.

 3.    It just looks way more professional.

Now to have your own domain or domains requires a great hosting company.


There are a number of good ones online but the one I really like is...


Because it gives you...


*Hosting for 4 domains (enough to get you started)

* A suite of amazing marketing tools (you'll need these)

* An autoresponder pro account (a must these days)

* An easy to use video creator.

*A conference room

*A compensation plan that is unmatched in the internet   marketing world.

And lot's more wonderful stuff.

The BEST part is - The price!


Most hosting companies charge $16.00 minimum and up to host 4 domains and that's all you get. Just Hosting.


But what good is hosting without marketing help to go with it.


At Host Then Profit you get the lot. Everything above and much more for a crazy low $19.95 a month.

Now that is just insane.

Whatever you do, don't miss this offer. Grab an account now and level the playing field.


Tomas Garcia.


PS: Whoever said hosting was boring didn't choose the right hosting company. :-)



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