Are We Rich Yet? Blog with Jane

This small advertising device is giving businesses a massive boost.
Published 07-18-2019


This small advertising device is giving businesses a massive boost.


My friends and contacts laughed when I told
them that a small advertising device could
massively boost their business, but when
they tried it...


They were astounded at the return they got.


This small device is called The Beacon and
the technology behind it is brilliant.


It works on proximity advertising and it
laser targets your prospects.


Imagine this; you are sitting in Starbucks,
sipping a cafe mocha, surrounded by people
who need your product or service.


Without anyone realizing it, you activate your
beacon and broadcast a simple message to all
cell phones within a 100-meter radius.


You can send all kinds of custom messages,
promotional material, seasonal deals, group
incentives, and so much more.


You can create brand-new buyer opportunities
by reaching an entirely fresh audience.


This brilliant advertising tool...


  • Is small enough to fit in your pocket
    * It's priced so everyone can afford it
    * It can be used by any business

See for yourself


Raymond "The BEACON Master" Taylor


Keywords Tag : Advertising,Advertising Made Easy,advertising techniques,AA Advertising,Jane Mark Recommends

We Have been Providing Online Advertising Services for Businesses for the past 17 Years. We can change the way your story ends.
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